Mr. McCormick to Mr. Hay.
Vienna, May 20, 1902.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your dispatch No. 40 of the 7th ultimo regarding the intention of the Austro-Hungarian Government to raise its mission at Washington to the rank of an embassy, and beg to inform you that I have, as per instructions therein contained, expressed to the minister of foreign affairs the gratification with whicn the President has heard of this [Page 30] new proof of the Emperor’s friendly disposition toward the United States, and to say that in due time it will give him pleasure to reciprocate by appointing, in token of his high regard and esteem for the person of the Emperor and of his good wishes for the people of Austria-Hungary, as embassador to Vienna a gentleman who he is sure will be agreeable to His Majesty.
I have, etc.,