Mr. Rockhill to Mr. Hay.

No. 41.]

Sir: I have the honor to inform you that the diplomatic corps met to-day to continue the work begun at its meeting of yesterday.

Before taking up the question of indemnities, the representatives adopted a draft of a letter to the Chinese plenipotentiaries, presenting, in compliance with terms of the Joint Note (article 2, paragraph B), a list of the towns in which the examinations must be suspended during a period of five years. This subject will probably have to be discussed with the Chinese plenipotentiaries, as it involves a number of questions which can not be settled in a satisfactory way without having their views.

The report of the commission on the interdiction of the importation of arms, etc., was read, but discussion was deferred until it had been more carefully examined by each of the representatives.

The report of the commission on indemnities was then taken up, and a lengthy discussion began on each paragraph of it. This discussion will be continued to-morrow, when the report will probably be returned to the commission for redrafting. The substance of the conclusions reached will then presumably be communicated to the various governments for their approval. The conference will meet again to-morrow.

I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant,

W. W. Rockhill.