Mr. Sickles to Mr. Hay.
Madrid, August 7, 1899.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge receipt on the 5th instant of telegram, signed “Adee, Acting,” reading, when deciphered, as follows:
Supplementing telegram yesterday, following names in your list now verified: Andres Salciero Acebo, life sentence, military rebellion; Arcadio Curbera Echeverria, same sentence; José Gil Diaz, same; Rafael Joya Mesa, at Burgos, twelve years, treason. You will present these names.
In accordance with this last telegram, I have transmitted to the minister of foreign affairs the names of Andres Salciero Acebo, Arcadio Curbera Echeverria, and José Gil Diaz, with the request that, if on examination the necessary facts appear, their release and transfer to Cuba be made as speedy and uninterrupted as possible.
As regards Rafael Joya Mesa, who has been in prison at Burgos, Mr. Storer already referred his case to the Spanish Government, together with those of the three other Burgos prisoners, Antonio Capablanca Fernandez, Julian Alvarez Salazar, and Norberto Rojas Hernandez.
These Burgos prisoners, as stated in Mr. Storer’s dispatch, No. 41, dated August 4, 1899, have already been set at liberty.
I have, etc.,