Great Britain
- Modus vivendi fixing a provisional boundary line between the Territory of
Alaska and the Dominion of Canada about the head of Lynn Canal (Documents 284–298)
- Tonnage tax at Trinidad and Tobago (Documents 299–308)
- Passports not required to enter Cuba and Porto Rico (Documents 309–310)
- Passports, issue of, in cases where applicant fixes no date of intended
return to United States (Documents 311–312)
- Death of Lord Herschell (Documents 313–315)
- Protection by United States minister of British interests in
Bolivia (Documents 316–322)
- Tax on foreign insurance companies in the United States (Documents 323–327)
- Protection of American interests by British representatives during war
with Spain (Documents 328–330)
- Protection of British interests at Pretoria by United States consul (Documents 331–334)