Lord Pauncefote to Mr. Hay.

Sir: I have the honor, by direction of the Marquis of Salisbury, to transmit to you herewith a copy, in both English and German texts, of the convention and declaration between Great Britain and Germany, signed on the 14th instant, for the settlement of questions pending between them in regard to Samoa and certain other matters.

I have, etc.,



The commissioners of the three powers concerned having in their report of the 18th July last expressed the opinion, based on a thorough examination of the situation, that it would be impossible effectually to remedy the troubles and difficulties under which the islands of Samoa are at present suffering as long as they are placed under the joint administration of the three Governments, it appears desirable to seek for a solution which shall put an end to these difficulties, while taking due account of the legitimate interests of the three Governments.

Starting from this point of view, the undersigned, furnished with full powers to that effect by their respective Sovereigns, have agreed on the following points:

article i.

Great Britain renounces in favor of Germany all her rights over the islands of Upolu and of Savaii, including the right of establishing a naval and coaling station there, and her right of extraterritoriality in these islands.

Great Britain similarly renounces in favor of the United States of America all her rights over the island of Tutuila and the other islands of the Samoan group east of 171° longitude west of Greenwich.

Great Britain recognizes as falling to Germany the territories in the eastern part of the neutral zone established by the arrangement of 1888 in West Africa. The limits of the portion of the neutral zone falling to Germany are defined in Article V of the present convention.

article ii.

Germany renounces in favor of Great Britain all her rights over the Tonga Islands, including Vivau, and over Savage Island, including the right of establishing [Page 666] a naval station and coaling station, and the right of extraterritoriality in the said islands.

Germany similarly renounces in favor of the United States of America all her rights over the island of Tutuila and over the other islands of the Samoan group east of longitude 171° west of Greenwich.

She recognizes as falling to Great Britain those of the Solomon Islands at present belonging to Germany which are situated to the east and southeast of the island of Bougainville, which latter shall continue to belong to Germany, together with the island of Buka, which forms part of it.

The western portion of the neutral zone in West Africa, as denned in Article V of the present convention, shall also fall to the share of Great Britain.

article iii.

The consuls of the two powers of Apia and in the Tonga Islands shall be provisionally recalled.

The two Governments will come to an agreement with regard to the arrangements to be made during the interval in the interest of their navigation and of their commerce in Samoa and Tonga.

article iv.

The arrangement at present existing between Germany and Great Britain and concerning the right of Germany to freely engage laborers in the Solomon Islands belonging to Great Britain shall be equally extended to those of the Solomon Islands mentioned in Article II, which fall to the share of Great Britain.

article v.

In the neutral zone the frontier between the German and English territories shall be formed by the River Daka as far as the point of its intersection with the ninth degree of north latitude, thence the frontier shall continue to the north, leaving Morozugu to Great Britian, and shall be fixed on the spot by a mixed commission of the two powers, in such manner that Gambaga and all the territories of Mamprusi shall fall to Great Britain, and that Yendi and all the territories of Chakosi shall fall to Germany.

article vi.

Germany is prepared to take into consideration, as much and as far as possible, the wishes which the Government of Great Britain may express with regard to the development of the reciprocal tariffs in the territories of Togo and of the gold coast.

article vii.

Germany renounces her rights of extra-territoriality in Zanzibar, but it is at the same time understood that this renunciation shall not effectively come into force till such time as the rights of extra-territoriality enjoyed there by other nations shall be abolished.

article viii.

The present convention shall be ratified as soon as possible, and shall come into force immediately after the exchange of ratifications.

In witness whereof the undersigned have signed it, and have fixed thereto their seals.

Done in duplicate at London, the 14th day of November, 1899.


It is clearly understood that by Article II of the convention signed to-day Germany consents that the whole group of the Howe Islands, which forms part of the Solomon Islands, shall fall to Great Britain.

It is also understood that the stipulations of the declaration between the two Governments signed at Berlin on the 10th April, 1886, respecting freedom of commerce in the western Pacific, apply to the islands mentioned in the aforesaid convention.

It is similarly understood that the arrangement at present in force as to the engagement of laborers by Germans in the Solomon Islands permits Germans to engage those laborers on the same conditions as those which are or which shall be imposed on British subjects nonresident in those islands.

[Page 667]

Convention between the United States, Germany, and Great Britain to adjust amicably the questions between the three Governments in respect to the Samoan group of islands.

[Signed December 2, 1899. Ratification advised by the Senate January 16, 1900. Ratified by the President February 13, 1900. Ratifications exchanged February 16, 1900. Proclaimed February 16, 1900.]

By the President of the United States of America,


Whereas, the Convention between the United States of America, Germany and Great Britain, to adjust amicably the questions which have arisen between the three governments in respect to the Samoan group of Islands and to avoid all future misunderstandings in respect to their joint or several rights and claims of possession or jurisdiction therein, was concluded and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries, at the City of Washington, on the second day of December, 1899, the original of which Convention, being in the English and German languages, is word for word as follows:

The President of the United States of America, His Imperial Majesty the German Emperor, King of Prussia, and Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Empress of India, desiring to adjust amicably the questions which have arisen between them in respect to the Samoan group of Islands, as well as to avoid all future misunderstanding in respect to their joint or several rights and claims of possession or jurisdiction therein, have agreed to establish and regulate the same by a special convention; and whereas the Governments of Germany and Great Britain have, with the concurrence of that of the United States, made an agreement regarding their respective rights and interests in the aforesaid group, the three Powers before named in furtherance of the ends above mentioned have appointed respectively their Plenipotentiaries as follows:

  • The President of the United States of America, The Honorable John Hay, Secretary of State of the United States;
  • His Majesty the German Emperor, King of Prussia, His Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Herr von Holleben; and
  • Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, Empress of India, the Right Honorable Lord Pauncefote of Preston, G. C. B., G. C. M. G., Her Britannic Majesty’s Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary:

who, after having communicated each to the other their respective full powers which were found to be in proper form, have agreed upon and concluded the following articles:

Article I.

The General Act concluded and signed by the aforesaid Powers at Berlin on the 14th day of June, A. D. 1889, and all previous treaties, conventions and agreements relating to Samoa, are annulled.

Article II.

Germany renounces in favor of the United States of America all her rights and claims over and in respect to the Island of Tutuila and all other islands of the Samoan group east of Longitude 171° west of Greenwich.

Great Britain in like manner renounces in favor of the United States of America all her rights and claims over and in respect to the Island of Tutuila and all other islands of the Samoan group east of Longitude 171° west of Greenwich.

Reciprocally, the United States of America renounce in favor of Germany all their rights and claims over and in respect to the Islands of Upolu and Savaii and all other Islands of the Samoan group west of Longitude 171° west of Greenwich.

Article III.

It is understood and agreed that each of the three signatory Powers shall continue to enjoy, in respect to their commerce and commercial vessels, in all the islands of the Samoan group privileges and conditions equal to those enjoyed by the sovereign Power, in all ports which may be open to the commerce of either of them.

Article IV.

The present Convention shall be ratified as soon as possible, and shall come into force immediately after the exchange of ratifications.

[Page 668]

In faith whereof, we, the respective Plenipotentiaries, have signed this Convention and have hereunto affixed our seals.

Done in triplicate, at Washington, the second day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine.

John Hay [seal.]

Holleben [seal.]

Pauncefote. [seal.]

Der Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, Seine Majestät der Deutsche Kaiser, König von Preussen, im Namen des Deutschen Reiches, und Ihre Majestät die Königin des Vereinigten Königreichs von Grossbritannien und Irland, Kaiserin von Indien, von dem Wunsche geleitet, auf freundschaftlichem Wege die Fragen, welche in Betreff der Samoa-Inseln sieh ergeben haben, zu erledigen, und alien künftigen Missverständnissen über gemeinschaftliche oder besondere Besitzrechte und Ansprüche oder über Ausübung der Gerichtsbarkeit auf diesen Inseln vorzubeugen, sind übereingekommen, Alles dies durch eine besondere Convention zu ordnen und festzulegen. Nachdem zwischen den Regierungen Deutschlands und Englands, mit Ubereinstimmung derjenigen der Vereingten Staaten, über ihre wechselseitigen Rechte und Interessen an diesen Inseln bereits ein Uebereinkommen getrofien worden ist, haben die drei vorgenannten Mächte im Hinblick auf das vorerwähnte Ziel nachstehende Bevollmächtigte ernannt:

Der Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika den Staatssekretär der Vereinigten Staaten The Honorable John Hay;

Seine Majestät der Deutsche Kaiser, König von Preussen, Allerhöchstihren ausserordentlichen und bevollmächtigten Botschafter, Wirklichen Geheimen Rath, Dr. von Holleben;

Ihre Majestät die Königin des Vereinigten Königreichs von Grossbritannien und Irland Allerhöchstihren ausserordentlichen und bevollmächtigten Botschafter The Right Honorable Lord Pauncefote of Preston, G. C. B., G. C. M. G.; welche nach gegenseitiger Mittheilung ihrer in guter und gehöriger Form befundenen Vollmachten folgende Bestimmungen vereinbart und ausgemacht haben:

Artikel I.

Die von den vorgenannten Mächten am 14. Juni 1889 in Berlin abgeschlossene und unterzeichnete Generalacte wird hiermit aufgehoben; desgleichen werden alle dieser Acte vorausgegangenen Verträge, Abkommen und Vereinbarungen aufgehoben.

Artikel II.

Deutschland verzichtet zu Gunsten der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika auf alle seine Rechte und Ansprüche an der Insel Tutuila und an alien anderen östlich des 171sten Längengrades westlich von Greenwich gelegenen Inseln der Samoa-Gruppe.

In gleicher Weise verzichtet Grossbritannien zu Gunsten der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika auf alle seine Rechte und Ansprüche an der Insel Tutuila und an alien anderen östlich des 171sten Längengrades westlich von Greenwich gelegenen Inseln der Samoa-Gruppe.

In gleicher Weise verzichten die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika zu Gunsten Deutschlands auf alle ihre Rechte und Ansprüche auf die Inseln Upolu und Savaii und alle anderen westlich des 171sten Längengrades westlich von Greenwich gelegenen Inseln der Samoa-Gruppe.

Artikel III.

Es wird ausdrücklich ausgemacht und vereinbart, dass jede der dreiunterzeichneten Mächte auch fernerhin für ihren Handel und ihre Handelsschiffe in alien Inseln der Samoa-Gruppe die gleichen Vorrechte und Zugeständnisse geniessen soil, welche die Souveräne Macht in alien den Häfen geniesst, die dem Handel einer dieser Mächte offen stehen.

Artikel IV.

Die vorliegende Convention soll sobald als möglich ratifizirt werden und unmittelbar nach Austausch der Ratifikationen in Kraft treten.

Zu Urkund dessen haben die Unterzeichneten sie vollzogen und ihre Siegel beigedrückt.

So geschehen in dreifacher Ausfertigung zu Washington, den 2. Dezember 1899.

John Hay [seal]

Holleben [seal]

Pauncefote. [seal]

And whereas the said Convention has been duly ratified on the part of each Government and the ratifications of the three Governments were exchanged in the Cities [Page 669] of Washington, Berlin and London on the sixteenth day of February, one thousand nine hundred, in the following manner, to wit, each Government handing to the Ambassadors of the other two, at its capital, its ratification:

Now, therefore, be it known, that I, William McKinley, President of the United States of America, have caused the said Convention to be made public, to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof.

In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.

William McKinley

By the President:
John Hay
Secretary of State.