Mr. Hay to Mr.
Department of State,
Washington, March 25,
No. 814.]
Sir: Referring to the Department’s instruction
No. 787, of the 6th instant, in regard to a summons issued to
Consul-General Guenther to appear as a witness in a German court, I
inclose for your information copies of correspondence as indicated below
in regard to the happy termination of the incident.
I am, etc.,
[Inclosure 1 in No.
Mr. Guenther to
Department of State.
United States Consulate-General,
Frankfort, February 28, 1899.
No. 8.]
I have the honor to respectfully report that in response to my
protest against a “subpoena” which I received from the royal court
of Frankfort, as stated in my dispatch to the Department of State
under date of February 20, 1899, I received an answer on the 25th
instant. In the same I am requested in a polite manner to give my
testimony on Tuesday, February 28, 1899, between the hours of 9 to
12 a.m.
It also states that the summons of which I complained was made out,
by mistake, in the usual form. I have complied with the request and
answered the questions propounded in court, where the officials
verbally apologized and said that they had not been aware of the
existence of the consular convention of 1871.
I am, etc.,
Richard Guenther, Consul-General.
[Inclosure 2 in No.
Mr. Cridler to
Mr. Guenther.
Department of State,
Washington, March 16,
No. 6.]
Sir: Your No. 8 of the 28th ultimo,
relative to a royal summons issued to you by the royal court of
Frankfort, has been received.
The Department is gratified to learn of the satisfactory termination
of the incident.
I am, etc.,
Thos. W. Cridler,
Third Assistant