Mr. Conger to Mr. Hay.
Pekin, China, January 20, 1899.
Sir: I have the honor to report that I have received a dispatch from Consul Johnson, of Amoy, stating that the Japanese Government are negotiating for large concessions of foreshore and other lands at Amoy, which negotiations, “if successful, will virtually put a stop to all contemplated moves on the part of our Government here,” and requests instructions.
He also writes that he has already reported the situation in detail to the Department of State, particularly setting forth the magnitude and importance of the trade between Amoy and Manila, and that upon the recommendation of the judge-advocate-general of Manila our Government is considering the advisability of making Amoy the base of supplies for Manila in China.
In view of the fact that all negotiations are at present being carried on by the Japanese consul with the local authorities, and that the Department, through Consul Johnson, is fully informed upon the situation, I have telegraphed him to wire the Department for instructions.
I shall be glad to be kept informed as to Consul Johnson’s instructions [Page 151] in the matter so that I may be able to intelligently take up the matter here when so instructed, if that shall become necessary.
I have, etc.,