Mr. Terrell to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Constantinople, October 13,
1896. (Received Oct. 26.)
No. 1021.]
Sir: I have the honor to inclose for your
information the copy of a dispatch from Consular Agent Poche at Aleppo,
dated September 25, which shows the appeal of the imprisoned
revolutionists at that place for aid.
The Grand Vizier telegraphed on my application to alleviate the condition
of the three sick prisoners, if necessary, by their removal from prison.
This was on the 3d instant.
The dispatch of Mr. Poche also shows the prompt action of the local
officials when another massacre was apprehended. Commendable efforts
have been generally made by the valis in the provinces to pre serve
order and promote security.
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure in No. 1021.]
Translation of a dispatch, No. 47, from Consular Agent Poche, dated Aleppo,
September 25, 1895, to Mr. Terrell.
Mr. Minister: Acting upon the contents of a
letter received yesterday evening from the nine naturalized citizens
imprisoned here, I believed it to be my duty to telegraph to-day to
your excellency in these terms:
Legation of the United
States, Constantinople:
The naturalized citizens imprisoned here inform me that three
of their number are ill, one gravely so. They implore succor
and assistance for their release.
[Page 924]
I have now the honor to inclose to you the original of this letter in
the Turkish language. Your excellency will know the sad condition in
which these unfortunates now find themselves. Having sold
successively the least objects which they possessed to defray their
expenses for food alone, they are reduced to-day to the last
extremity, and demand pecuniary aid for clothes and bedding in view
of the approaching cold season, if, indeed, their sojourn in prison
is to be yet further prolonged.
I take this occasion to report also to your excellency that on the
28th and 29th ultimo there was a great panic at Aintab. For a time
one feared new massacres, but happily upon the severe orders of the
vali of Aleppo the authorities there repressed the hostile movement
and confidence has returned among the citizens of that city.
One writes also from Diarbekir that the same fears have been
experienced in that city, all of this following upon the news which
had been received of the events which had taken place at the
Accept, Mr. Minister, etc.,