Mr. Williams to Mr.
States Consulate,
Habana, December 24,
No. 2686.]
Sir: With reference to previous correspondence
relating to the arrest and trial of the American citizen Mr. Julio
Sanguily, for rebellion against the sovereignty of Spain in this island,
I have now the honor to inclose a copy and translation of a
communication received under date of the 8th ultimo from the chief
justice of the royal audiencia of the province of Habana, asking for a
literal copy of the formal protest I addressed the Governor-General by
order of the Department on the 25th of last April against all the
proceedings that had been practiced then or that might be practiced in
the future by the military jurisdiction in the trial of Sanguily,
because contrary to the provisions of the Collantes-Cushing protocol of
the 12th of June, 1877, which requires that the above should be tried
exclusively by the ordinary or civil jurisdiction.
I also inclose copy and translation of my answer to the chief justice,
with which I accompany copy of my said protest. I sent a copy of this
protest to the Department with my dispatch, No. 2491, of the 25th of
April last.
I am, etc.,
[Page 819]
[Inclosure 1 in No.
Mr. José Pulido
to Mr. Williams.
Habana, November 8,
To the Consul-General of the
United States:
With reference to the cause proceeding from the court of the Cerro
district, and instituted against D. Julio Sanguily on the charge of
rebellion, the extraordinary section of the criminal hall, over
which I have the honor to preside, begs you to please furnish it
with a literal copy of your communication of the 25th of April last
to the general government of this island, in which a protest was
formulated by that consulate-general in connection with this
God guard you many years.
[Inclosure 2 in No.
Mr. Williams to
Mr. José Pulido.
United States Consulate-General,
Habana, November 12, 1895.
To the President of the Superior
Court of Habana.
Sir: In answer to your attentive
communication of the 8th instant, requesting that the criminal hall
(sala de lo criminal) of your worthy presidency be furnished with a
literal copy of the communication which by special order of my
Government I addressed the Governor and Captain General of this
island on the 25th of April last, I now have the honor to inclose
literal copy of same.
I am, etc.,
Ramon O. Williams, Consul-General.