Mr. Williams to Mr. Adee.
Habana, October 14, 1895.
Sir: With reference to the Department’s instruction, No. 1148, of the 9th September last, and to my dispatch, No. 2588, of the 12th of same month, concerning the facts relating to the suggestion or message sent me by Mr. Julio Sanguily through Mr. Sanchez Dolz, the deputy consul-general, on the occasion of the delivery to him, with the consent of the Acting Governor-General, of the money sent him from Tampa, Fla., and mentioned in previous correspondence, I now beg to inclose for the information of the Department a copy of the letter addressed me on the 24th ultimo by the same Mr. Sanchez Dolz, saying—
That he never manifested to Mr. Julio Sanguily in my name that as the result of an interview held by me with General Arderius, Acting Governor-General, that if he wished to be released and sail to the United States, he should demand it by means of a petition.
I am, etc.,