Mr. Springer to Mr. Uhl.
Habana, May 4, 1895. (Received May 13.)
Sir: With reference to the correspondence of this office in the cases of Messrs. Julio Sanguily and José Maria Timoteo Aguirre, and especially to Mr. Williams’s communication to the government of this island of the 25th ultimo (inclosure to dispatch No. 2491), I have now the honor to accompany copy and translation of a communication received to-day from the acting Captain-General to the effect that orders had been given to have copies made by the special judge of instruction of those parts of the cause instituted against Julio Sanguily and others, for conspiracy for rebellion, which affect the American citizens, Messrs. Julio Sanguily and José Maria [Timoteo] Aguirre Valdes, which copies [Page 761] would be shortly sent to the civil jurisdiction of this city, his excellency having waived the military jurisdiction in favor of the civil jurisdiction as respects the said parties.
I understand that to-day is the tenth day that Mr. Sanguily has been “incomunicado” (in solitary confinement) by order of the military authority, not allowed the visits of his family, or even to see his advocate appointed by him for his defense.
Very respectfully, etc.,
Vice Consul-General.