Mr. Uhl to Mr. Williams.
Washington, April 4, 1896.
Sir: Your No. 2457, of the 23d ultimo, announcing the transfer of Sanguily’s case from the military to the civil jurisdiction, has been received.
Your account of the confusion and delay in understanding the rights of American citizens in this matter, due to the long postponed publication of the protocol of 1877, has been read with interest.
It is noticed that Governor-General Calleja’s decree of March 16, prescribing civil jurisdiction in Sanguily’s case, rests ostensibly on the statement that Sanguily has been registered as a transient foreigner since July 8, 1889.
It is hoped that the case of Jose Maria Aguirre will promptly follow the same disposition as that of Sanguily. You will endeavor to prevent any delay on merely technical grounds touching Aguirre’s registration, and, as regards proof of his citizenship, you will continue to act in accordance with instruction No. 1057, sent you March 21.
I am, etc.,