Mr. Williams to Mr.
States Consulate-General,
Habana, March 28, 1895.
(Received April 3.)
No. 2462.]
Sir: With reference to previous correspondence
relating to Mr. Julio Sanguily, I beg to inclose for the imformation of
the Department a copy of the letter I addressed him on the 27th instant,
informing him of the decree of the Governor-General transferring his
trial from the military to the civil jurisdiction. I understand that he
has appointed Don Pedro Llorente, an eminent lawyer of Habana, for his
defense. I was told that Don Pedro would call to see me about the case,
but I learn that he is sick, for which reason I suppose he has not been
able to come to the consulate-general.
I am, etc.,
Ramon O. Williams,
[Inclosure in No. 2462.]
Mr. Williams to
Mr. Sanguily.
United States Consulate-General,
Habana, March 27, 1895.
Dear Sir: Not having received the visit
that I have for several days been expecting from the gentleman who I
understand you had appointed your advocate, and to whom I had
intended to communicate the information of the transfer of your
cause from the court-martial to which it had been committed to the
civil court for trial,
[Page 758]
now inclose you copy of the official communication received on the
18th instant from the secretary of the General Government informing
me of the decree of his excellency the Governor-General transferring
your cause from the military to the civil jurisdiction for trial,
with the strict observance in your favor of the provisions of the
agreement of the 12th of January, 1877, between Spain and the United
States, to which you are entitled as an American citizen.
I would recommend that you consult your lawyer at once upon the
subject of carrying your case before the civil court.
I am, etc.,
Ramon O. Williams, Consul-General.