Mr. Rockhill to Mr. Yang Yü.
Washington, July 21, 1896.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 18th instant, touching the expected arrival of His Excellency Li Hung Chang in the United States, and have brought it to the President’s notice.
Meanwhile, in order that all possible arrangements may be made in advance, I shall be glad to know positively the date of his excellency’s arrival in this country from Europe, how long he proposes to remain, where he wishes to go, and how many persons comprise his staff.
If you can conveniently acquaint me with these details, I shall be very greatly obliged. They will materially assist the Department in perfecting its arrangements so that the wishes of your Government may be carried out by his excellency with the least possible delay and embarrassment.
As Mr. Olney advised you in his note of the 9th instant, the President is expected to reach Washington about October 1. But should his excellency arrive before that date and the President be still absent, it would naturally be the Department’s desire to facilitate by every means at its command the wishes of his excellency and to contribute to his pleasure and comfort. A reply at your early convenience will enable it to consider the matter accordingly.
Accept, etc.,
Acting Secretary.