Mr. Rockhill to Mr. Taylor.
Washington, August 20, 1896.
Sir: I inclose copy of a dispatch1 from our consul-general at Habana, reporting that by the orders of General Bosch, commanding at Manzanillo, [Page 703] all protection had been withdrawn from the “Teresa” plantation, belonging to certain American citizens, Messrs. Farrel and Rigney, and permission had been refused the latter to proceed to the plantation.
The commanding general stated that no charges had been made against the owners, for whom personally he had great respect, but alleged as grounds for his action “that the North Americans were the greatest enemies of Spain, because they were the cause of this war, and the ones who were keeping it up, and that Spain knew how to punish her enemies, and that he cared nothing for the losses they might suffer; also, he cared nothing if the crop was taken off or not, and he believed that his Government thought the same.”
The neighboring plantations have continued to receive protection.
The result of General Bosch’s action has been, in the words of one of the owners, that the men on the place have all been driven off, the house broken into, his furniture and other effects carried off, as well as all his stock.
You may represent this case strongly to the Spanish Government, and ask that positive orders be issued to see that no discrimination in the matter of protection against American-owned property is permitted.
I am, etc.,
Acting Secretary.
- Not printed.↩