Mr. Olney to Mr. Taylor.
Washington, October 23, 1896.
Sir: Referring to the Department’s instruction No. 589 of the 15th instant, in which papers relating to certain tobacco owned by Louis Wertheimer, in Habana, were forwarded to you with instruction to urge upon the Spanish Government the right of Mr. Wertheimer to ship this tobacco to the United States, I inclose copy of a letter1 dated the 14th instant, from Mr. H. D. Winton, attorney for Mr. Wertheimer, and along with it additional evidence in support of the latter’s claim that the tobacco was purchased and paid for prior to the promulgation of Captain-General Weyler’s decree. Being green, it was impossible to ship it within the ten days’ grace allowed by that decree. This tobacco is clearly exempt from the Cuban embargo under the admission of the Spanish Government telegraphed by Mr. Armstrong May 25, 1896, viz, that all contracts for Cuban leaf tobacco entered into before the publication of the Captain-General’s decree would be respected. You are requested to impress upon the Spanish minister for foreign affairs [Page 691] the importance of immediate attention to this matter. Mr. Wertheimer’s business is suffering on account of this unlawful interference.
I am, etc.,
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