You will observe that the order to respect contracts and property rights
was of a general character and applicable to all nationalities.
[Inclosure in No.
Duke of Tetuan to Mr.
Ministry of
Palace, May 25,
My Dear Sir: I duly read the note which Mr.
Taylor had the kindness to deliver personally to me on the 21st
instant, and afterwards that which he has been pleased to address to
me under date of the 23d, both relative to the order issued by the
Governor-General of Cuba, prohibiting the exportation of leaf
tobacco from the island.
Not being then sufficiently informed to form an accurate judgment in
the matter, I limited myself to inform Mr. Taylor verbally that I
would ask for such information, with all haste, from my colleague,
the minister of ultramar, and that, while pending the receipt and
examination of that information, I deemed it my duty to tell him
that the order in question, which from its general character
included all nationalities, had been given on account of the fact
that, the insurrection having destroyed a great part of the tobacco
harvest in Cuba, chiefly in the provinces of Pinar del Rio and
Habana, and the manufactories being in danger of having to stop
their work through want of raw material, it was absolutely necessary
to remedy that condition of things in order to avoid a conflict
which would have plunged thousands of families into hunger through
want of work.
I can now add, based on the data furnished me by the minister of
ultramar, that on the 8th instant telegraphic orders were sent to
the superior authority of Cuba pointing out to him, very especially,
the necessity of respecting contracts of foreigners entered into
before the issuance of the order in question, and he was also
instructed to take measures to prevent abuses, having especial care
in the decision of all cases to be guided by the strictest spirit of
justice and equity.
These orders, which have been repeated to-day by cable to General
Weyler, I think are the same which the Government of the United
States requests from that of His Majesty, through Mr. Taylor, in his
kind note of the 23d instant.
If, during their application, there should arise some difference of
opinion between the superior authority of Cuba and the
consul-general or any subject of that nation who should deem himself
prejudiced, in regard to the proof of the authenticity of the
contract as being entered into before the date of the order, that
difference would surely be adjusted by both parties guiding
themselves by the above-mentioned spirit of justice and equity.
I believe that the friendly and considerate statements contained in
the last telegram of the Secretary of State, transmitted to me by
Mr. Taylor, and the satisfactory fact that the Government of His
Majesty has spontaneously anticipated the desire of that of the
United States, render it unnecessary to enter into an examination of
the true meaning of clause 1st, of article 7th, of the treaty of
1795, so far as it relates to the subject of this note. As I
entertain the hope that the Secretary of State will share this
opinion, I have only to renew to you the assurance, etc.,
The Duke of Tetuan.