Mr. Tyler to Mr. Olney.

No. 262, Dip. Ser.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose for your information copy of a letter I have received from Dr. Holmes, medical missionary in Hamadan, reporting the death of the Akhund Mullah Abdullah, who had in the past given the Government considerable trouble by his interference in executive affairs, and of the peaceful and orderly state of that town.

In view of the improved condition of the town, I felt I could give the Government credit for any action they may have taken to bring about that result, and as I had had occasion to complain of the faults of Mullah Abdullah, I thought I might now give expression to his virtues as mentioned by Dr. Holmes, so I addressed the letter to the Sadr Azem, of which the inclosed is a copy.

I have, etc.,

John Tyler,
Vice-Consul-General in Charge.
[Inclosure 1 in No 262, Dip. Ser.]

Dr. Holmes to Mr. Tyler.

Dear Sir: Yours of October 6, inclosing a copy of your communication to the Sadr Azem, relating to the condition of the Jews of Hamadan, was duly received with thanks. I fully agree with you, as [Page 487] do we all, in what you say as to the necessity of using great prudence in bringing up questions of this kind before the Persian Government. In this case there seemed nobody to blame particularly, the trouble being with the lawless character of the people, and the weakness of the authorities. At the time of writing you on the subject I sent word to Hajji Mirza Mehdi and the Akhund Abdullah, thanking them for the aid they had rendered in quieting the people, and asking them to do all in their power to allay the excitement and to give protection to the persons most threatened. This they cordially undertook to do, and I am glad to say that since then everything has been quiet and peaceful.

I regret to say that the Akhund Abdullah passed away to-day from an attack of paralysis, due to a tumor on the brain, probably, the symptoms of which have been increasing in their gravity for some time. Hajji Mirza Mehdi will probably take his place as the chief ecclesiastic in Hamadan, and I feel confident that he will do all in his power to protect the Jews from violence. My relations with him, as with the late Akhund, have, ever since the affair of two years ago, been very cordial, and I hope they will so continue.

The Akhund called on me just the day before his paralytic seizure, for consultation, and I attended him during his last illness. He was a man having many good qualities, and I had learned to look with a great deal of charity upon many of his doings. I am not sure that he has not acted, in most things, according to his lights, and think of him as a well-meaning man.

Thanking you again for your attention to the matter in question, I am, etc.

Geo. W. Holmes.
[Inclosure 2 in No. 262.]

Mr. Tyler to the Sadr Azem.

Your Highness: In acknowledging the receipt of your communication of the 6th instant regarding the state of Hamadan, I have to thank you for the assurances of the preservation of order and tranquillity in that city.

I also beg to inform you that I have just received a letter from Dr. Holmes expressing his gratification and thankfulness for the pacification and present orderly condition of the town. In the same letter he reports the death of the Akhund Mullah Abdullah, from an attack of paralysis, caused, he thinks, probably from a tumor on the brain, the symptoms of which have been increasing in their gravity for some time. The akhund called on Dr. Holmes for a consultation the day before the seizure, and he attended him to the last.

Dr. Holmes speaks in terms of commendation of the character of the late akhund and of his efforts, coupled with those of Hajie Marza Mehdi, in times of excitement and disorder, to control the passions and tumults of the populace, and to prevent as far as they could all danger to the inhabitants and well-being of the town.

I have, etc.,

John Tyler,
Vice-Consul-General in Charge.