Mr. Denby to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Peking, October 3, 1896.
(Received Nov. 14.)
No. 2610.]
Sir: In my dispatch No. 2604, of September 21,
I inclosed a copy of a dispatch relating to antiforeign riots in China
which was sent by your direction to the Tsung-li Yamên.
I now have the honor to inclose a translation of a dispatch received from
the Yamên in reply to my dispatch. It will be seen that the inclosure is
conciliatory and satisfactory in tone.
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure in No. 2610.]
The Tsung-li Yamên to
Mr. Denby.
Peking, September 24,
No. 38.]
Your Excellency: The prince and ministers
have had the honor to receive a communication from the minister of
the United States, wherein he states that his Government has been
unavoidably prevented from making such representations to the
Government of China as recent anti-foreign riots in China
imperatively demand should be made; that the whole subject is under
careful consideration by the Government of the United States, and
that it does not doubt that China will cooperate in meeting its
wishes in a matter of such importance toward maintaining the amiable
relations that have uniformly characterized both countries.
In reply, the prince and ministers have the honor to state that in
the matter of missionaries preaching the gospel in the interior it
is only necessary that both Chinese and foreigners should be
commanded to observe the treaties, and thus there will be no cause
for trouble.
The Yamên appreciates very much indeed the idea of the honorable
Secretary of State devising a plan which may prove beneficial to
both countries, and if the plan decided upon is not in contravention
to treaty stipulations China will certainly in a spirit of
friendliness come to a suitable decision.