Mr. Young to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Guatemala and
Guatemala, May 1, 1896.
(Received May 14.)
No. 280.]
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the
receipt of your No. 258 relating to the matter of the protection of the
Chinese residents in this Republic by the diplomatic representative of
the United States in Guatemala, and to inclose a note from the minister
of foreign relations of Guatemala to the minister of China in
Washington, which is said to contain the sanction of the Government of
Guatemala to the request of the Chinese Government that the United
States diplomatic representative in Guatemala may use his good offices
in behalf of Chinese subjects in that Republic in case of need.
I have the honor to inform you that I have been exercising my good
offices in behalf of Chinese residents of this Republic since the first
communication I received from the Department more than a year ago, and
they have always been recognized in a gracious and proper manner by the
Government of Guatemala.
I am, etc.,
[Inclosure in No.
Mr. Muñoz to
Mr. Young.
Guatemala, April 22, 1896.
Mr. Minister: I have the honor to inclose
herewith to your excellency, under cover, the note in which this
minister answered the one received through the honored medium of
your excellency from the honorable envoy extraordinary and minister
plenipotentiary of the Chinese Empire in Washington, in regard to
the legation in the worthy charge of your excellency, assuring the
protection of the interests of the subjects settled in this
Republic. In said note I informed the diplomatic representative of
China at once that such is the desire of his
[Page 379]
Government, and that the United States has
given it its acquiescence according to the statement of the
Honorable P. M. B. Young, envoy extraordinary and minister
plenipotentiary of the United States of America. Your excellency,
the Government of Guatemala, does not deem it improper, but on the
contrary a cause for satisfaction that your honorable legation takes
charge of the protection of the Chinese that are residing in
Begging your excellency to be pleased to transmit the inclosed answer
to its address, for which I give you due thanks beforehand, I assure
you once more of my distinguished consideration and deference.