Mr. Rockhill to Mr. Peterson.

No. 21.]

Sir: I have received your dispatch No. 18, of the 5th ultimo, transmitting a letter from J. Cranstoun, in which he asks whether this Government will furnish him protection in case he should return to Honolulu for the purpose of obtaining testimony for use in his suit against the captain and owners of the steamship Warrimoo for forcibly bringing him away from Honolulu against his will in February last.

In reply I have to say that, as it appears from Mr. Cranstoun’s own sworn statement, forwarded to the Department in your dispatch No. 12, of February 26 last, that he is not an American citizen, but has only declared his intention to become such, he is not entitled to claim the protection of this Government. He can not be granted a passport, of course.

I am, etc.,

W. W. Rockhill,
Third Assistant Secretary.