Mr. Terrell to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Constantinople, September 9,
1895. (Received Sept. 26.)
No. 619.]
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that on
Saturday, the 7th instant, I presented to the foreign minister in person
the original of
[Page 1302]
the inclosed
note relating to the imprisonment of Mardiros K. Mooradian, the
naturalized American citizen of Armenian origin about whose imprisonment
I wired you on the 7th instant.
The imprisonment of this class of citizens on mere suspicion has become
so frequent and protracted, and is in such plain violation of my
agreement regarding them, that a firm and emphatic protest was a
necessity. The release of Mooradian was demanded at once, but in view of
what was known to be the minister’s want of power to act without
instructions, I agreed to wait until to-day for a final answer.
The foreign minister informed me this morning that he had instructed the
minister of police to surrender Mooradian on condition that I would see
executed the order requiring his immediate departure from Turkish soil,
and would not permit him to go at large while here. He has been
surrendered to me, and I have sent him with my cavass to a steamer which
leaves this afternoon for Athens.
Extracts from various letters found in Mooradian’s possession are
inclosed, three of which are in red ink with the red seal of the
Revolutionary Society attached. They leave no doubt of his character as
a member of a revolutionary society—a fact which he virtually admitted
in stating to me that he came to this city under orders which he was
compelled to obey.
I inclose copy of my telegram sent on his release.
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure 1 in No.
Mr. Terrell to
Turkhan Pasha.
Legation of the United States,
Constantinople, September 7, 1895.
No. 82.]
Sir: A dispatch from the consul-general of
the United States here has informed me of the arrest in this city of
Mardiros K. Mooradian, which he learned from the minister of police,
who doubted the genuineness of the American passport of Mooradian,
and in whose possession he claimed to have found compromising
letters. He is an American citizen.
I find nothing in those letters, as translated from the Armenian
language in which they were written, to show that the bearer was
engaged in armed resistance in Turkey to the authority of the
Turkish Government. The mere fact that the letters create a
suspicion of the man’s connection with a revolutionary society which
has been founded in a foreign land to aid revolution in Turkey can
not subject him to punishment in a Turkish court on his peaceful
return to Turkey. Such a suspicion may furnish a sufficient reason
to exclude him from the Ottoman Empire as an undesirable person, to
which, under general instructions from my Government, I will
interpose no objection; but it does not afford a sufficient reason
for his imprisonment, against which I now formally protest and
demand his immediate release.
If Mooradian has violated any law of Turkey, except that of doing
some act on Turkish soil in aid of a revolution against the
authority of His Imperial Majesty, I claim, under Article IV of the
treaty of 1830, and the laws of the United States made in accordance
therewith, the right to try him myself.
If he has been arrested while engaged in armed resistance to the
[Page 1303]
authority of Turkey, I
would concede jurisdiction of the offense to a Turkish court, and
content myself with demanding an impartial trial.
It is hoped that your excellency will, in this matter, conform your
action to the agreement made between your predecessor and myself
regarding such cases, and order the prompt release of Mr.
Receive, etc.,