Mr. Olney to Mr. Terrell.
Washington, September 21, 1895.
Sir: I have received your No. 615, of the 5th instant, inclosing copy of a dispatch from Consul Gibson to Consul-General Short, with copy of Dr. Christie’s report and translation of the report of the moutessarif of Mersine, all relating to the Tarsus affair.
The thanks conveyed by Dr. Christie and the consul to the moutessarif of Mersine, of which Mavroyeni Bey informed the Department in his note of the 13th instant (inclosed in my No. 602), are now seen to relate, not to the effective termination of the incident, as the minister’s note led the Department to infer, but to the efforts of the moutessarif and his officers up to that time, August 27. Mr. Christie’s further request that the case be thoroughly prosecuted seems not to have been without good ground, in view of the reported action of the kaimakam of Tarsus in releasing the accused and sending them back to Namroun [Page 1285] as fast as the authorities of Mersine sent them to Tarsus. If the assailants are not tried and punished according to their deserts, the continuance of your efforts to secure simple justice in the premises will be necessary.
For your information and files, I inclose copy of a note this day addressed to Mavroyeni Bey in further reply to his of September 13.
I am, etc.,