Mr. Olney to Mavroyeni Bey.
Washington, September 21, 1895.
Sir: Referring to your note of the 13th instant, communicating to me translation of a telegram from the vali of Adana in relation to the thanks expressed to him by Mr. Christie and the dragoman of the consulate at Beirut for the efforts made by the Imperial authorities toward the settlement of the Tarsus incident, I have the honor to say that a dispatch received from Mr. Terrell, under date of September 5, informs me of the renewal of such thanks under date of August 27, by Mr. Christie, who, however, couples the expression of his appreciation of the action of the moutessarif of Mersine with the request that the case be thoroughly prosecuted. The request of Mr. Christie’s seems not to have been without good ground in view of the reported action of the kaimakam of Tarsus in releasing the accused and sending them back to Naniroun as fast as the authorities of Mersine sent them to Tarsus for trial.
I sincerely trust that the good endeavors of the moutessarif of Mersine to see justice done in this case will be seconded by the superior authorities of Tarsus and of the province of Adana so that the Department may soon be advised of the satisfactory conclusion of this incident, and I have expressed this hope in a further instruction on the subject to Mr. Terrell.
Accept, etc.,