Capt. Wiltse to Mr. Tracy.
U. S. S. Boston, Second Rate,
Honolulu, Hawaiian
Islands, January 18,
Sir: I have the honor to make the
following report concerning the condition of political affairs
in the Hawaiian Islands:
As stated in my communication of January 4, 1893, the Boston sailed from this port for Hilo,
Hawaii, with the United States minister on board
During the absence of the ship from this port, on January 12, the
cabinet was voted out of office by a vote of 25 to 16. Another
cabinet was appointed on January 14.
On the morning of January 14 the Boston
arrived in this port from Lahina, Maui, and came to anchor. At
noon on the same day the legislature was prorogued by the Queen,
and it was rumored that the Queen intended proclaiming a new
constitution. This, however, was not done. On Monday, January
16, there was a large and enthusiastic mass meeting, composed of
the representative men of Honolulu, held in the largest hall in
the city, at 2 p.m. On the same day I received from the United
States minister a request to land the sailors and marines of the
Boston to protect the United States
legation, consulate, and the lives and property of American
At 4:30 p.m., January 16, I landed the ship’s battalion under
command of Lieut. Commander William T. Swinburne.
One detachment of marines was placed at the legation and one at
the consulate, while the main body of men, with two pieces of
artillery, were quartered in a hall of central location near the
Government building.
On Tuesday, January 17, a provisional government was established
and the Queen dethroned.
The Provisional Government took possession of the Government
buildings, the archives, and the treasury, the Queen acquiescing
under protest. The Provisional Government was recognized as the
de facto Government of the Hawaiian
Islands by the United States minister.
[Page 224]
The revolution has been accomplished without the loss of a single
life, and to day, January 18, the Provisional Government has
possession and control of the city, which is under martial
I am informed that commissioners will leave to-morrow for
Washington fully accredited for purposes of negotiation to
permit these islands to come under the control of the United
Very respectfully,
G. C. Wiltse,
Captain, U. S. Navy, Commanding U. S. S.