No. 9.
Mr. Smith to Mr. Foster.
Hawaiian Legation,
Washington, February 3,
1893. (Received February 3.)
Sir: I beg to submit to you (copy of)
official dispatch of the Provisional Government of Hawaii, received
by me yesterday.
It announces the sending of five commissioners, Hon. L. A. Thurston,
W. R. Castle, esq., Hon. W. C. Wilder, C. L. Carter, esq., Hon.
Joseph Marsden, to treat with the Government of the United
These gentlemen will arrive in Washington this day, and with your
consent, I shall be glad to present them to you to-morrow, at the
State Department.
Renewing assurance of my highest consideration,
[Inclosure 1.]
Mr. Dole to
Mr. Smith.
Department of Foreign Affairs,
Honolulu, Hawaiian
Islands, January 18,
Sir: I have the honor to inform your
excellency that by public proclamation made on the 17th instant,
from the Government building, in all formal style, the Hawaiian
monarchy was abrogated and a Provisional Government over the
Hawaiian Islands established, as is duly set forth in the copy
of the proclamation handed to your excellency herewith.
It having been found necessary to dispatch a commission of five
gentlemen to Washington for the purpose of carrying out the
provisions expressed in such proclamation, I have this day, by
and with the advice and consent of the executive and advisory
councils of the Provisional Government, appointed and
commissioned the following-named gentlemen as such
commissioners: Hon, L. A. Thurston, W. R. Castle, esq., Hon. W.
C. Wilder, C. L. Carter, esq., Hon. Joseph Marsden, who have
been presented with the proper credentials to the President of
the United States and the Secretary of State.
[Page 223]
I would therefore request your excellency to render all possible
aid and assistance in your power to the furthering of their
mission, the success of which the Provisional Government
earnestly desires to consummate.
With the highest respect and consideration,
I have the honor, etc.,
Sanford B. Dole,
Minister of Foreign
[Inclosure 2.]
[Proclamation of the Provisional Government of the Hawaiian
Islands, January 17, 1893, printed ante
as inclosure with Mr. Stevens’s No. 79 of January 18,