No. 15.
Mr. Blount to Mr. Gresham.
No. 12.]

Sir: The steamer Peru leaves Honolulu for San Francisco to-morrow.

It will take me three or four days longer to complete my report, which will be forwarded to you by the first steamer leaving here after that time.

Recalling to your mind the letter from Mr. Dole to Mr. Stevens (a copy of which was sent with my last dispatch) I ask you to examine a statement made by the commissioners of the Hawaiian Provisional Government on page 41 of Senate Executive Document, No. 76, Fifty-second Congress, second session, designated as the “sixth” in the statement of facts by them.

I wrote President Dole a communication asking for a copy of Mr. Stevens’s reply to this letter, omitting therefrom its reference to his recognition.

Verbally he says he does not recollect writing the letter and has not been able to find the reply. I have asked him for his reply in writing, which he has promised to give me after making a more thorough search.

The annexation element have endeavored to utilize the celebration of the Fourth of July in the advancement of their cause.

I am, etc.,

James H. Blount,
Special Commissioner of the United States.