No. 14.
Mr. Blount to Mr. Gresham.
June 28, 1893.
Sir: On yesterday I found amongst the unfiled papers of the legation a document, of which the inclosure sent herewith is a true copy.
My final report will be completed within the next ten days, probably much earlier. It will be forwarded by the first opportunity.
In my dispatch to the Department of April 26 I said: “Mr. Paul Neumann is generally regarded here as a bright, plausible, unscrupulous person.” I desire now to say that so far as the expression “unscrupulous” is concerned a better knowledge of public opinion satisfies me that I was not justified in its use. I deem it my duty to place this on the records of the Department.
Three persons have been arrested for conspiracy to overthrow the Government. They are whites of the laboring class.
I see no reason to think that there is likely to be any movement against the Provisional Government or the peace of society at this time.
On the 18th of this month 1,757 Japanese contract laborers were landed here for the sugar plantations. Of this number 1,410 were men and 347 women.
I am, etc.,
Special Commissioner of the United States.