Mr. Stevens to
Mr. Blaine.
No. 18.]
States Legation,
Honolulu, Februrary 9,
Sir: Herewith inclosed I transmit to the
Department of State a copy of resolutions adopted at a public
meeting of a large number of influential native-born citizens of the
Hawaiian Islands, relative to the death, and its attending
circumstances, of the late King Kalakaua. I also inclose a copy of
my remarks addressed to the committee who called at this legation
and placed the said resolutions in my hands.
I forward likewise a copy of resolutions adopted at a less numerous
assemblage of native Hawaiian citizens, among whom I may name John
E. Bush, formerly a Hawaiian minister, now editor of a native
newspaper, and a present member of the legislature, a half caste, B.
W. Wilcox, leader of the revolutionary attempt of July, 1889, and
others of similar political sympathies.
I am, sir, etc.,
[Inclosure 1 in No.
Whereas the unbounded courtesy and kind attentions extended to
his late Majesty, King Kalakaua, in his recent visit to
California by the United States Government, the State of
California, the city of San Francisco, as well as citizens and
residents in San Francisco, and by Rear-Admiral George Brown and
the officers and men of the United States Flagship Charleston have placed the Hawaiian
nation under a deep debt of gratitude to the United States and
to citizens of said country, and to said Rear-Admiral Brown, his
officers, and men: Therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Hawaiian people
recognize, with the deepest gratitude, the great courtesy of the
United States Government, and of officials and citizens of the
[Page 342]
State of
California, in the courtesies extended to his late Majesty, the
King, upon the occasion af his recent visit to California, where
he met his most untimely death; and be it further
Resolved, That we recognize a like debt of
gratitude to Rear-Admiral Brown, of the American Flagship Charleston, and to his officers and men,
in their more than courteous treatment and care of his late
Majesty, King Kalakaua, both in going to California and in their
tender care and attention during his illness and in returning
his remains to our midst; and be it further
Resolved, That an engrossed copy hereof be
presented to his excellency John L. Stevens, envoy extraordinary
and minister plenipotentiary of the United States in Honolulu,
for transmission to Washington; that a like copy be sent to the
governor of California; another to the mayor of the city of San
Francisco, and another be presented to Rear-Admiral Brown, on
behalf of his late Majesty’s grateful subjects and friends.
Honolulu, H. I., 5th
February, A. D. 1891.
- Paul P. Komoa,
- W. L. Holokohili,
- S. K. Kane,
- J. Kalua
- John Lot
- John F. Colburn,
- Park P. Robinson,
- Samuel Parker,
- Wm. G. Irwin,
- E. C. Macfarlane,
- Wm. R. Castle,
- Alex. Young,
- C. O. Bergery,
- Paul R. Isenberg,
- F. M. Swanzy,
- John W. Kalva,
- A. Rosa,
[Inclosure 2 in No.
Remarks of Minister Stevens.
Gentlemen: It is with no ordinary
emotions that I meet you under the afflictive circumstances
which call you to this legation. I recognize in your committee
the honored representatives of a large and influential portion
of the native citizens, of Hawaii, all equally interested in the
welfare of their country. As the American minister at this
capital I receive the resolutions which you place in my hands as
the expression of the warm and sincere feelings cherished by the
citizens of Hawaii for the citizens and Government of the United
States. The manner in which these sentiments are called forth,
and the attending circumstances of your late Sovereign’s death,
can not fail to strengthen permanently the fraternal and
friendly relations between this island Kingdom and the American
nation, which are united by the triple bonds of moral sympathy,
of near neighborhood, and of common interests.
It will be my duty as well as my pleasure to transmit copies of
your resolutions to the President of the United States, to the
governor of California, and to the mayor of San Francisco.