Mr. Stevens to Mr. Blaine.
Sir: Under the date of June 24 last, I had the honor to receive from the Secretary of State the official information that the President had appointed me United States minister resident to the Hawaiian Islands, inclosing therewith the necessary blank for me to take the oath of office, with the instruction to return the same to the Department of State.
On the reception of that communication I immediately complied with its directions by taking the oath of office before Judge Andrews of this city, and made the proper return to the Department of State. I now beg leave to say that I am making all the necessary preparations to leave Augusta with my family for my post at Honolulu about August 22, hoping to take the steamer which is to leave San Francisco September 13 for Honolulu. Presuming that my commission and instructions will soon reach me,
I have the honor to be, sir, etc.,