Foreign Relations of the United States, 1894, Appendix II, Affairs in Hawaii
Mr. Merrill to Mr. Blaine.
Honolulu, July 9, 1889.
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that the anniversary of the Independence of the United States was celebrated here with much enthusiasm, and the 4th instant was observed as a general holiday by both native and foreign residents.
The Government offices and the business houses in the city were generally closed.
A reception was held at the legation and was largely attended by all nationalities.
I inclose clippings from each of the daily papers, Advertiser and Bulletin, giving accounts of the proceedings of the day.
I have, etc.,
Fourth of July—How the glorious day was celebrated—Salutes, music, regatta, literary exercises, field sports, rifle practice, ball, etc.
The greater part of the evening and night of the 3d of July resounded in firing of pistols and guns and the letting off of fireworks of different kinds, and the morning of the Fourth was heralded by similar demonstrations, and a salute of thirteen guns [Page 273] from the shore battery. At an early hour the population was astir, and holiday attire was the rule among those who could afford it.
the regatta.
The rowing and yacht regattas were the first sports on the programme, and the wharves at 7:45 were crowded with people.
At 8 a.m. the tugboat Eleu left her wharf with the committee, to which had been committed the management of the regatta, and proceeded out to the harbor entrance.
Soon afterwards the six-oared gig race began by two boats starting simultaneously from the starting line and maintaining a close contest for several hundred yards. Finally the Alice M. forged ahead of the Liliuokalani and maintained the lead until the finish, when the Alice M. won by about twenty boat lengths. Time of the boats: Alice M., 25 minutes; Liliuokalani, 25 minutes, 25 seconds.
The next was a six-oared gig race in which four boats started—the three war vessels, Alert, Espiegle, and Pilcomayo, having one boat each; and there was also a boat, the Kapiolani, manned by a native crew. The Hawaiian boat led from the start, and gradually increased its lead until the finish, when it entered the starting line about 200 yards ahead of the American boat, which was second. Until the home stretch was more than half done there was a close contest between the American and English boats. But finally the Englishmen fell astern, manfully pulling to keep up, but the Americans steadily forged ahead. The Chilian boat was far astern. In going out of the harbor the Chilian boat fouled the American boat, which had commenced to gain on the Englishman, and between the two latter the race was well contested throughout. To and around the bell buoy, and up to the light-house on the home stretch, the American boat gradually forged ahead of the Englishman and came in second, the Hawaiian boat winning the race. Following is the time taken by each boat: Kapiolani, the native boat, 29 minutes 10 seconds; Alert, the American boat, 31 minutes; Puaala, the English boat, 31 minutes 55 seconds; Pilcomayo, the Chilian boat, 33 minutes 30 seconds.
The yacht race began at 9:35 a.m., when a beautiful flying start was made. Five yachts, over five tons register, went off almost together, and spinnakers were set during the run out of the harbor.
balloon ascension.
At the time of the start, Melville’s balloon shot up from the slopes of Punchbowl hill, and very quickly reached an altitude of nearly 2,000 feet. The aeronaut was seen like a speck clinging to a rope below the balloon, but before many minutes elapsed the huge inflated bag was noticed to be descending rapidly. There was no parachute jump, and the balloon reached the ground in the neighborhood of Kakaako.
By this time the five yachts had reached the harbor entrance, and the large quantity of sail that they spread gave a fascinating appearance to these aquatic racers. They kept well together as far as could be seen from the P. M. Co.’s wharf, and were closely followed by the steam tug Eleu, from the deck of which vessel their movements were more easily observed. The names of the five yachts were Healani, Spray, Hawaii, Selene, and Kahihilani. These all started; but the latter, the Kahihilani, did not finish. At the stake boat, opposite the Hon, W. G. Irwin’s residence, the following was the order in rounding: Hawaii 1st, Spray 2d, Healani 3d, Helene 4th, Kahihilani 5th. At the Pearl Harbor stake boat the order was Hawaii 1st, Helene 2d, Healani 3d, Spray 4th. At the harbor entrance the order was: Healani 1st, Helene 2d, Hawaii 3d, Spray 4th. The time taken by the yachts was: Healani, 4 hours 8 minutes 32 seconds; Spray, 4 hours 14 minutes 16 seconds; Helene, 4 hours 14 minutes 30 seconds; Hawaii, 4 hours 16 minutes 4 seconds.
second-class yacht race.
At 10 a.m. eight small yachts, under 5 tons register, started in the wake of the five larger ones that left the harbor half an hour ago. The spread of canvas was even larger in proportion than on the larger vessels, and the speed of these smaller crafts appeared to be equally rapid. They all kept close together in rounding the reef, which operation was done in very beautiful style. The names of these yachts were Edith L., Kaohinani, Pookii, Laura, Onward, Laura Boone, Park-street, and Pauline. The latter four, Onward, Laura Doone, Park street, and Pauline, did not finish. The time of these yachts was as follows: Edith L., 3 hours 49 seconds; Kaohinani, 3 hours 50 seconds; Pokii, 3 hours 21 minutes 41 seconds; Laura, 3 hours 24 minutes 52 seconds. Judge’s decision withheld.
[Page 274]The boat-boys’ race was rowed at 10:18 a.m. There were four boats that started, but only three came in to finish, as follows: Flying Fish, 14 minutes 2 seconds; Alameda, 14 minutes 4 seconds; Benecia, 14 minutes 10 seconds.
The literary exercises took place at 10 o’clock at the opera house. The audience was small, the house being not more than half filled, owing to attractions in other parts of the city; but those who were there were well repaid. Berger’s band opened the exercises with a medley of national airs. Prayer was then offered by Rev. George Wallace. His excellency George W. Merrill, American minister resident, made a few introductory remarks appropriate to the day and the occasion. This was the fifth time he has presided on similar occasion’s, the first having been in 1885.
After the singing of the opening hymn, Mr. A. V. Gear read the Declaration of Independence in a clear voice, occupying twelve minutes. This was followed by the choir and audience singing “My country,’ tis of Thee.”
Mr. Merrill then introduced Rev. E. G. Porter, of Lexington, Mass., as the orator of the day, stating that the name was one that bore honorable mention in American history.
mr. porter’s address.
Mr. Chairman, fellow-countrymen, ladies and gentlemen: When the invitation of your committee reached me a few days ago I was on the coast of Hawaii, returning from a trip to the volcano. My first thought was to decline the honor, as my time was wholly occupied in studying these islands, but on reaching Honolulu I was assured that I could meet the requirements of the occasion by giving such thoughts concerning our country as might readily occur to me as a traveler. With this understanding I have accepted the position, feeling that my refusal would be a poor return for the many acts of kindness extended to me daring my visit.
We are assembled to commemorate an event in our history which is dear to every American heart—an event to which “the glorious Fourth” has been consecrated as the chief festival in our political calendar. Whoever has spent his boyhood in the States will recall the thrill of excitement with which the great holiday has always been ushered in. I confess I was hardly expecting to find, in any foreign country such a demonstration as we had last night and this morning—the sharp and familiar explosives around your houses, revealing the presence of youthful patriots, with unabated zeal, the salute of thirteen guns from the shore battery at sunrise, the display of the national colors on so many private houses, on the shipping in the harbor, and even on the tramcars and carriage buses in the streets. And here in this large opera house we have the inspiring strains of national music and choral song to aid us in worthily celebrating the day. You have also made generous provision for aquatic and field sports which are sure to be in order at this time.
We are nominally commemorating the achievements of our country’s Independence in 1776, the official declaration of which has just been read. We shall never forget the men who signed that immortal document, nor the results that flowed from it. The nation can never outgrow its early history. It will never be ashamed of its birth.
But the present year is suggestive of other events, and we need not dwell now upon the independence which the fathers secured for us, nor even the later conflict upon the question of political union which Webster argued with such eloquence in the Senate, and which President Lincoln maintained when he called the nation to arms. Those great issues are settled—we hope forever—and we can turn our thoughts the more willingly to themes relating to the development of our country in various directions.
The speaker then referred to the recent celebration in New York commemorating the inauguration of the first President under the Constitution; to the Victorian era, which covers a little more than half of the entire century of our national existence; to the character of the nation’s founders; to the stability of American political institutions, and to the fact that not a country in Europe is now so firm and prosperous as the American Republic; which was owing in a large measure to the general diffusion of knowledge, which made the people the ruling power. He spoke of the wide distribution of property in America compared with other countries; to the munificent gifts of charity for public libraries, technical schools, colleges, and universities, now amounting to millions annually. Our foreign relations were referred too, and the respect shown by not only European nations, but by those of Asia, China, Japan, Korea, Siam, Hawaii, etc.
We are obliged by want of space to abridge this report of a most eloquent address, and give merely an outline of it.
The exercises closed with singing two verses of the national hymn, “Star Spangled Banner,” followed by the band, which had assisted in the music throughout.
At noon a national salute of forty-two guns—one for each State now in the American Union—was fired from the shore battery.
[Page 275]reception at the legation.
His excellency George W. Merrill and Mrs. Merrill received their friends at the legation, 2 till 6 o’clock, yesterday afternoon. During the entire afternoon the rooms were crowded, and many expressed their regrets that they were soon to leave and return to their country, to give place to new representatives of the great Republic. It is not certain how soon Mr. Merrill’s successor will arrive, as he had not been named at the latest advices from Washington.
The glorious Fourth—Remarkably eventful holiday—Reports of all the festivities.
A finer day, except for some hours of great heat, could not have been desired for the glorious Fourth. Besides the various items of public celebration, many picnic parties went to the seaside or mountains. As full a report as possible of each part of the programme appears below. The American, British, and Chilean war ships were dressed with equal resplendence, the O. S, S. Umatilla was gaily bedecked, and there was a fine display of flags from other shipping and on shore. Salutes of thirteen guns each were fired at sunrise and sunset, and of thirty-eight guns at noon, from the shore battery.
the regatta.
First race—Six-oared gig race. Sliding seats. Free to all. Prize, $40. Donated by the 4th July celebration committee.
Lilioukalani—White and blue, Carl Widemann. Alice M.—Red and white, H. Gunn.
Second race—Galley or gig race. Six oars. Stationary seats. Free to all. First prize, $50; second prize, $25; third prize, saves stakes. Donated by the 4th July celebration committee.
Chilean Pilcomayo—White caps, Lieut. Espinosa. U. S. S. Alert—Blue, Lieut. Carmody. Kapiolani—Blue caps, Carl Widemann. Puaala—Red, H. B. M. S. Espiegle.
Third race—Yacht race. Open to all yachts over 5 tons and not exceeding 10 tons in measurement; provided, however, that this limitation shall not apply to yachts now in Hawaiian waters and that enter for the race this year. Prize, Hawaiian challenge cup and pennant for 1889.
Kahihilani, 8.14 tons—White and green, W. Williams. Spray, 6.07 tons—Shamrock white, W. C. Sproull, for owners. Healani, 6.29 tons—Hawaiian flag, C. Brown, F. M. Hatch, C. P. Iaukea. Hawaii, 6.95 tons—White, W. O. Smith. Helene, 12.22 tons—White maltese cross, blue border, W. H. Baird, for owners.
Fourth race: Yacht race. Open to all yachts below 5 tons measurement. First prize, $75; 2d prize, $50; 3d prize, $25; donated by the 4th of July committee.
Kaohinani, 3.40 tons, white burgee, red letters, W. W. Dimond; Parle St.,——tons, white and blue, S. H. Priestly; Laura, 1.75 tons, blue, Hingley and Graham; . Pokii, 1.91 tons, blue W in center, W. Williams; Laura Doone,——tons, blue, yellow and red, S. B. Dole; Pauline,—tons, — ——, W. L. Wilcox; Edith L., 1½ tons, red, Alex. Lyle; Onward,——tons; blue with M. P. in white, J. A. Magoon.
Fifth race: Boat boys’ race; opened to all licensed boats, First prize, $10; 2d prize, $5.
Dido, white; Flying Fish, American; Benicia, red; Fair Play, yellow; Lita, blue; Alameda, white and blue.
The regatta being the first event in celebration of the Fourth, mostly everybody consulted the weather immediately on awakening. The day dawned gloriously calm, and yachtsmen despaired.
A few minutes after 8 o’clock the first race came off, being that of six-oared gigs, sliding seats, between the Myrtle club’s Alice M. and the Honolulu club’s Liliuokalani, Alice M. won easily by 25 seconds; time of winning boat, 25 minutes.
Second race: Galley or gig, six oars, stationary seats. A good start was made but the native boat Kapiolani soon took the lead and walked away with the cake. The struggle between the U. S. S. Alert and H. B. M. S. Espiegle boats for second prize was closely contested. The Espiegle boat, Puaala, was in advance of the Alert’s to the turning point, where the Alert’s bow oar fouled the stern of the Puaala, but no foul was claimed. Although the Alert’s boat lost some space by the collision she afterwards gradually crawled up on the Espiegle boat and passed her. Time of the boats: Kapiolani, 29:10; Alert, 31; Puaala (Espiegle), 31:55, and Pilcomayo, 33.
[Page 276]Third race: Yachts of 5 tons measurement. Entered, Spray, 6.07 tons; Healani, 6.29; Hawaii, 6.95; Kahihilani, 8.14, and Helene, 12.22. A gentle breeze had sprung up, and at the signal to start the Hawaii toot a big lead, and, setting all canvas, was away ahead in a short time.
The Spray crossed the starting line second, the Kahihilani third, Helene, fourth, and Healani fifth. The wind, while beating up to Waikiki, was favorable to the smaller boats, being too light for the larger ones. The Kahihilani was the first to make an inshore tack on rounding the bell buoy. The Hawaii rounded the Waikiki stake boat a short distance in advance of the Spray. Healani, and Helene, which three vessels had gained handsomely on the Hawaii. On the run before the wind to Pearl River the Hawaii was considerably in the lead for the greater part of the distance, but when near the stake boat a stiff breeze sprang up and the Helene went ahead. A lull came before the stake boat was reached, however, and the Hawaii, forging a head, turned first. On the beat home the Healani stole a march by tacking away inshore, the Helene also going in considerably, while the Hawaii kept too much to sea. Near the bell buoy, on the return home, the Healani was leading handsomely. The Helene held a good position and weathered the buoy finely. The Spray, although far behind at one time, having gained by her inshore tack, came very near rounding the bell buoy before the Hawaii. While beating up the passage the Healani, which was ahead, became becalmed for a moment on the Ewa side of the passage, and the Helene, picking up a puff on the Waikiki side, carried it along with her and walked in ahead. The Helene crossed the line first, the Healani second, the Hawaii third, and the Spray fourth, very closely.
official time.
Hawaii, start 9:41, return 2:02:57, corrected time 4 hours 16 minutes 4 seconds.
Spray, start 9:41:35, return 3:03:22, corrected time 4 hours 14 minutes 16 seconds.
Kahihilani, start 9:42:05, out of race.
Helene, start 9:43:25, return 1:58:55, corrected time 4 hours 15 minutes 30 seconds.
Healani, start 9:44:09, return 2:0:12, corrected time 4 hours 8 minutes 32 seconds.
By time allowance the Healani is winner of the race, the Spray comes second, the Helene third and the Hawaii fourth.
Fourth race: Yachts below 5 tons measurement, rested between the Kaohinani and Edith L., but has been decided in favor of the Edith L. The time of the Edith L. is 3 hours 49 seconds, and of the Kaohinani 3 hours 50 seconds.
Four boats started in the fifth race—of licensed boats—the Flying Fish winning, the Alameda crossing the line 2 seconds later, and taking second prize.
literary exercises.
The literary exercises were held in the Hawaiian opera house at 10 o’clock, and were very interesting, though not largely attended. Besides those performing the various parts, Prof. M. M. Scott, chairman; Hon. W. F. Allen and Mr. W. W. Hall, members of the committee on literary exercises; and Hon. J. H. Putnam, consul-general, were on the stage; also the choir of the Central Union church and a detachment of the Royal Hawaiian Band, under the lead of Prof. Berger.
The band played an overture consisting of a medley of American airs.
Rev. George Wallace, chaplain of the day, offered opening prayers.
His excellency, George W. Merrill, president, made introductory remarks. He was pleased to be with the Houolulu people once more, this being the fifth time he enjoyed with them the privilege of celebrating the Fourth of July. As the shadows of the nineteenth century deepened around us he wondered how many people outside of America would be glad that the United States had stood for a century under a Constitution that had abided all the tests and provided liberty, equality, and justice to the nation. In a glowing panegyric upon the men who gave them that Constitution he said they avoided the Scylla of disunion at home and repulsed the Charybdis of invasion from abroad. As he thought of it he had not words to express his feelings toward that godlike man Washington. Referring to the advancement of science contemporaneously with the development of the American Republic, the speaker said Boston was nearer London and New Zealand in communications to-day than New York and Albany were to each other a hundred years ago. It was possible that Hawaii might before long be enabled to learn changes in the price of sugar the day they occurred, while now the map of Europe might be changed and they could not learn of it in less than a week. He referred to the Samoan disaster as calling forth the same spirit in their nation’s defenders that inspired their forefathers, which enabled them to give three rousing cheers to Britain’s sons, when these gave back three cheers for the red, white, and blue and for the men who stood so bravely at their duty.
[Page 277]Mr. A V. Gear, of Ohio, assistant teacher in Fort street school, was introduced with facetious remarks from the Chair about his State’s officeholding resources, and in clear and measured tones read the Declaration of Independence.
“America” was sung by choir and audience to the accompaniment of the band.
Rev. E. G. Porter, introduced as coming from Lexington, Mass., where so many of their fathers fought and died, delivered an extempore oration of the day. He had only consented to fill the place on the assurance that no profundity of research or study would be exacted, as he could not think of giving up any considerable portion of his limited stay from the investigation of the points of interest in these delightful islands. He greeted them as fellow countrymen in a foreign land, which was a particularly pleasing privilege to him here, where there were so many evidences of American predominance—the numbers of houses displaying American flags, the juvenile demonstrations similar to their childhood’s celebrations of the day, and, above all, the mark Americans had made in the country’s civilization.
The Americans had done their moral work here unselfishly. They came not to make money but to benefit the people in the hightest moral sense. That end had been greatly accomplished and those who had done it are gone to their well-earned rest.
They were met to celebrate an event second to none. Their country could not have a second birth; therefore he was glad of the establishment of this Fourth of July holiday. He referred with pleasure to the ample provisions made here for the celebration—in these exercises, aquatic and field sports, and so forth. It was well that the nation should perpetually commemorate the movement that led to the framing of that instrument in 1776 which had just been read to them. They had struggles not only to gain their national independence but to preserve the Union, That day of trial should be remembered on the Fourth.
The speaker considered that the course of affairs in their country could be viewed, in some respects, with more advantage from Sydney, Calcutta, Hongkong, or Honolulu than from within the country itself. One of the thoughts occurring at this time was that they could never forget the men who gave them their nation—those men who framed the early state papers, gave them a jurisprudence, interpreted the laws they made themselves. This Fourth might be celebrated as the anniversary of their Constitution. The assertion of independence was not the securing of it. They had strife and war to maintain independence. The inauguration of the first President was, perhaps, the beginning of their national life, but that could not take place without important antecedent events. Although the war did not continue thirteen years, their organization was not complete under that period.
They had no chief justice, with associates, to declare the purpose of the laws. Chosen men sat for five months, working seven hours a day, to make the Constitution. Samuel Adams, one of these, had been the first man to mention the word “independence,” and not one of his fellow-patriots was with him, even Washington opposing him when he had uttered the sentiment in Faneuil Hall. The orator proceeded to eulogize the nation’s founders by name, and described Washington’s journey from the Potomac to receive the honors as President at New York. All the great men of the day—Governor Clinton, Roger Sherman, Col. Knox, etc., withdrew to a man and owned Washington as the only man for the position. Sketching the career of Washington from childhood, the speaker said he could find no names in history surpassing that of the “Father of his country.” “I would not exchange the reputation of Washington for the reputation of any man who ever lived.” (Applause.) They had no need to boast of him, for other nations had recognized him. Over all his qualities was nobility of character, of work, of life.
Mr. Porter dealt eloquently with the stability of American institutions, comparing this with the precarious tenure of existing conditions in certain European countries He spoke of the increasing influence of America in international affairs, notwithstanding that she let other countries surpass her in foreign commerce for the development of boundless resources at home. Reference was made to America’s superior general intelligence over that of other countries, to the munificence of her rich men toward higher learning from the foundation of Harvard College in 1636, and to her progress in establishing art and technical schools. The wide distribution of property in America was compared with the land-holding in few hands elsewhere. America’s influence as extended by her Christian missions was alluded to, being strikingly exemplified in Korea, Japan, and Turkey. She sent “kerosene and missionaries” to Turkey; one giving light to the homes, the other to the hearts of the people. America had the torch to give light to the world. In conclusion, he was happy to congratulate them that the country was thriving at home and abroad. Wherever he had seen their flag he had felt at home, whether in foreign harbors or lonely bungalows of India. He was glad to see so many elements of joy in these islands. By striving to follow the examples of Washington and Lincoln, Americans would be a blessing to their own land and to the nations of the earth.
Mr. Merrill publicly thanked Mr. Porter for his able address. He added that, owing to events over which he had no control, he might visit America before the next Fourth, [Page 278] and he thanked them for their kindly attention to these celebrations, to which his mind would always revert with pleasure. When he again stepped on the shores of America he should always feel proud of her Constitution, whether administered by the powers that sent him here, or that called him home, and forever shout three cheers for the “red, white, and blue,” whether it waved victoriously over his party or another one. His excellency concluded with a cordial invitation for everybody to call on Mrs. Merrill and himself at the legation in the afternoon.
The singing of “Star Spangled Banner,” and band music closed the exercises.
target practice.
The eighth semiannual competition of the Hawaiian Rifle Association was held at the King street range. There was a fair attendance, but not so large as on former occasions, owing to the numerous sources of amusement offered elsewhere. The weather was good, although the light was somewhat changeable. With a few exceptions the shooting was hardly up to the standard of some former meetings of the association. It will be seen that Mr. Pratt made an excellent score in the midrange championship match. Mr. Fisher won the Brodie medal for the third and last time.
reception at the legation.
His Excellency George W. Merrill, United States minister resident, and Mrs. Merrill were at home from 2 to 5 o’clock in the afternoon. There was a large number of callers, who were received with great cordiality by the popular host and hostess. Decorations of the legation were charming, and an elegant line of refreshments was served. Below will be found a list of visitors as nearly as possible correct:
A. Mons. G. B. d’Anglade, French commissioner; Hon. Taro Ando, Japanese consul-general; Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Atwater, Hon. W. D. Alexander, His Excellency Jona. Austin, minister of foreign affairs; Miss Millie Austin, Col. V. V. Ashford.
B. Brother Bertram, St. Louis College; C. O. Berger, Mons. Bellaguet, chancellor French legation; Rev. E. G. Beckwith, d. d., Rev. and Mrs. S. E. Bishop, Lieut. Bechler, U. S. Navy; E. Faxon Bishop, H. Berger, Mrs. A. E. Broad, Rev. H. Bingham.
C. Capt. Clarke, H. B. M. S. Espiegle; His Excellency H. A. P. Carter, Hawaiian minister to Washington; Misses Carter (2); Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Carter, Miss Mary Carter, Sadie Carter, Hon. A. S. Cleghorn, Miss Corney, Senhor A. de Souza Canavarro, Portuguese commissioner; Mrs. R. J. Creighton, Miss Creighton, Master Henry Cushman Carter, Cushman Carter, Mr. Conn.
D. Mrs. S. M. Damon, Mrs. Dudoit, Miss Dudoit, Mrs. John Dyer, B. F. Dillingham, Mrs. Demming.
E. Miss Elliott, Mrs. Everett, Mrs M. M. Evans.
F. Mrs. A. Fuller, Clara Fuller, Brother Francis, St. Louis College; Justice and Mrs. William Foster.
G. Maj. and Mrs. C. T. Gulick, Lieut. Greene, U. S. Navy; Miss Gay (Kauai), Rev. H. H. Gowen, Commander James G. Green, U. S. S. Alert; H. F. Glade, German consul.
H. A. S. Hart well, J. F. Hackfeld, Russian consul; J. A. Hopper, Mr. and Mrs. Heydtmann, Mrs. Haalelea, Rev. C. M. Hyde, d. d.
J. Hon. A. F. Judd, chief justice; P. C. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Johnson.
K. Absolom Kirby, chief engineer, U. S. Navy; Mrs. Knowles, Goo Kim, Chinese commercial agent; Ensign Knapp, U. S. Navy; Prince David Kawananakoa.
L. Curtis J. Lyons, Mrs. Langtry, Daniel Logan, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lewers, W. H. Lewers, Miss Lewers, Dr. Lundy, Father Leonor, H. Lose, acting consul for Sweden and Norway, and Mrs. Lose.
M. Lieut. Moore, U. S. Navy; Capt. H. W. Mist, R. N., and Miss Mist, Rev. and Mrs. A. Mackintosh, Surgeon Marsteller, U. S. Navy; Dr. John S. McGrew, Miss Messrole, M. D. Monsarrat, Mrs. H. R. Macfarlane.
N. Hon. Paul Neumann, Gus Neth.
P. Hon. J. H. Putnam, U. S. consul-general; Lieut. Pr it chard, H. B. M. S. Espiegle; Mrs. E. W. Peterson, Miss Payson, Miss Pecalta, J. H. Paty, consul for The Netherlands; Mrs. Pinney, Rev. E.G. Porter (Lexington, Mass.).
R. George J. Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Robinson (Kauai), Dr. and Mrs. C. T. Rodgers, J. W. Robertson, H. M.’s Acting Chamberlain, Miss Ritchie.
S. T. M. Starkey, Mr. Shields (Denver, Colo.), Prof, and Mrs. M. M. Scott, Maj. Seward, Paymaster Sullivan, U. S. Navy; F. A. Schaefer, Italian consul, and Mrs. Schaefer, O. C. Swain, Cadet Stafford, U. S. S. Adams.
T. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Toler.
V. Capt. Valenzuela, Chilean warship Pilcomayo.
W. Maj. J. H. Wodehouse, H. B. M.’s commissioner, and the Misses Wodehouse (2), Rev. G. Wallace, Hon. and Mrs. W. C. Wilder, Hon. H. A. Widemann, the Misses [Page 279] Winter (2), Commander Woodward, U. S. S Adams; C. M. White, Hon. H. M. Whitney, Cadet Wiley, U. S. Navy; Mrs. Widdifield, Master Clifford White, Dr. and Mrs J. M. Whitney, Bishop and Mrs. Willis.
games at makiki.
It was difficult to get the prize sports through at Makiki, owing to the crowding in of people on the competitors.
The 50-yards race was won by G. Rosa, and W. Kaae second.
The 100-yards race was reversed, Kaae being first and Rosa second, and the 150-yards race went likewise.
Luahiwa made the best standing jump, Kaina second.
Kaina won in the three jumps, Luahiwa second.
Edwin won the sack race, John Pihi second.
A sailor caught the greased pig but let a native have it.
Running the bases was declared off at the desire of ball players.
In a saddle pull between two horses, that ridden by John Keimi beat one ridden by Win. Holt.
The baseball match between the Honolulu and the Stars afforded the most amusement to the largest crowd, probably, of any match ever played on that diamond. Some estimates of the number of spectators are as high as 3,000. There was some of the worst and some of the best play of the season. Eleven innings were played, ending in a dispute. Honolulu made 4 runs in the first inning, 5 in the second, 1 in the eighth, and 1 in the ninth, 11 altogether. The Stars made 1 in first, 1 in second, 2 in filth, 5 in sixth, making 9, even with Honolulu, 2 in seventh, 11 altogether. At the end of the eleventh inning, two being out, Winter made three strikes and ran for base. Chan Wilder, seeing the catcher muff the ball ran for home and passed the plate before Winter was put out at first. The Stars claimed Wilder’s run and the game, which Umpire Boardman would not allow. After half an hour’s disputing the matter was left to the league, and if the decision be against the Stars the match will be declared a draw.
the evening.
In the evening the U. S. S. Alert replaced her flags in ship dress with lanterns, illuminated all the window ports, and made a display of fireworks. It made one of the grandest sights ever seen in the harbor.
A grand ball was given in the Hawaiian Hotel under the auspices of the subcommittee for that purpose. It was a very brilliant event, being attended by hundreds of residents and officers from the American, British, and Chilean warships. The rooms were beautifully decorated with flags, flowers, and foliage by the hands of Mrs. G. E. Boardman, assisted by Mrs. Abies, Mrs. Hebbard, Miss Afong, and Miss Katie Rose. The floor manager was Mr. E. F. Bishop, and committee were Maj. H. F. Hebbard, Messrs. F. E. Nichols, F. L. Winter, and T. F. Lansing. Dancing went on simultaneously in the dining room and parlor, at opposite ends of the house, a detachment of the Royal Band under Prof. Berger playing the music on the veranda. A splendid bill of refreshments was served and the ball broke up in the early hours of morning.
A very pleasant dancing party was given at the Arion Hall under the management of Messrs. C. J. Lane, D. W. Roach, and A. Brown, a committee appointed by a meeting of some who were dissatisfied with the arrangements of the general meeting for the Fourth. Music was furnished on the piano and by members of the Royal Band, and an elegant repast, including fine coffee, was served on the back veranda. There was a large party who enjoyed themselves intensely till after midnight.
the balloon ascension.
Prof. Melville went up in his balloon shortly before 10 o’clock. The balloon took fire before he was ready, and he gave orders to let it go. Away up it shot with the aeronaut hanging from it with hands and legs to a small rope, having neither trapeze nor parachute on the balloon. While thousands of eyes were watching from earth to see the parachute leap the balloon began a rapid descent and in a few seconds it lodged in a tree at Kakaako. Melville jumped about 20 feet to avoid the tree and landed without hurt in a swamp. The balloon was rent in four pieces but the professor says it can be stitched together again, and he intends going to the other islands to make ascensions. He claims to have gone to a height of 2,000 feet.