No. 87.
Mr. Baker
to Mr. Gresham.
Managua, August 8, 1894. (Received September 4.)
Sir: Your official dispatch No. 201, addressed to this legation, in which you inclose a translation of a communication addressed to me by. Mr. Madriz, late special commissioner to Mosquito, is at hand, and its-contents carefully noted.
I endeavored to state to you as clearly as I could the reasons which prompted me in suggesting to Mr. Madriz, on the 5th of May, the removal of the troops from Bluefields to the bluff as a conciliatory measure. There was no hint of a denial of the sovereign right of Nic-aragau to place their troops in Bluefields.
Mr. Madriz having made the order, through Commissioner Lacayo, the troops having been removed under that order, while Mr. Madriz was still in Bluefields, and having, in violation of that order, been returned to Bluefields by Lacayo, I deemed it my duty to call Mr. Madriz’s attention to this additional evidence of the contempt with which that official continued to treat his superior’s orders.
It was this point only I sought to keep in his mind and yours (since you had already virtually, in your dispatch of May 23, asked Lacayo’s removal); and this is why I did not, iu illustrating this point, quote Mr. Madriz’s explanation as to how he came to the conclusion to make the order referred to. There was never any question between him and me on that point.
I shall hereafter have all parts of all communications carefully translated and mailed to you.
I have, etc.,