No. 86.
Mr. Gresham
to Mr. Baker.
Washington, August 4, 1894.
Sir: I have received yours of the 14th ultimo, reporting the communication made to you by the minister for foreign affairs in regard to the uprising at Bluefields.
It is noted with interest and some surprise that the report of General Cabezas to Senor Madriz speaks of the rising as “led by a Hollander, Reuling” inasmuch as the chief of police of Bluefields is or recently was of the same name and nationality.
While the statements of Senor Madriz and those received here from the commander of the Marblehead agree in attributing the rising to the negroes, the alleged participation of the American residents of Blue-fields is denied by our recent advices. According to Captain O’Neil [Page 152] but two or three citizens of the United. States are implicated. Captain Seat reports that the American residents did not participate in the disturbance.
You will use your best efforts to prevent the punishment of peaceable Americans for the criminal acts of other alien sojourners in the reservation.
It is regretted that your illness and obstruction of communication precludes you from more fully and promptly reporting in regard to the alarming situation at Bluefields.
Our naval force at that point has been, increased by the detail of the Columbia. This is believed to be adequate for the protection of legitimate and unoffending American interests there.
I am, etc.,