Mr. Denby to Mr. Wharton.

No. 1562.]

Sir: I have the honor to inform you that the summer in China so far has been quiet, and no serious antiforeign riots have occurred. There are indications, however, that the conspirators in Hu-Nan are again endeavoring to stir up popular prejudice. The circulation of placards containing abuse of foreigners and missionaries has again commenced. It appears that these placards were prepared in Hu-Nan and were sent to Chang-tel-Fu, a city in the province of Hu-Nan.

I inclose herewith copies of four of these placards.

I have, etc.,

Charles Denby.
[Inclosure with No. 1562.]

Clipping from North China Daily News, July 15, 1892.

I. Let all he informed that I, Taotai of Han, Wang, Tao district, have for years been worshipping the “Hog Ancestor, Jesus.” Since my promotion to this office each of the western powers has paidme a salary of 10,000 taels per year, and the various consular bodies have given my wife, concubines, and the female members of my household 10,000 taels for the expenses of their toilets. Although my relations with the [Page 126] great western powers have heen most friendly, yet it is due to the intimate relation existing between the different consular bodies and my wife, concubines, and the female members of my household that we obtain this. But without the blessings from the “Hog Ancestor” how could we have reached such a prosperous state? There is a report abroad that you wish to injure and take violent measures against the “Hog Ancestor” and to give preëminence to the names of Yao, Sung, Yü, Tan, Chow Kong, Wên, Whang, Wu Whang, Confucius, and Mencius. This is most foolish, and surpassingly so. I therefore hasten to issue this proclamation so that all may know that, if you wish hereafter to become rich and prosperous, you must take your wives, concubines, and the female members of your family to the church every night and worship the “Hog Ancestor.” You should not in the least degree give trouble to the consuls and the missionaries, and in particular you should not injure Jesus, the Hog Ancestor. If you do not desire to strive for wealth and prosperity and one not willing to enter the church there will be no one to force you to do so. Now, let no one, hereafter, again injure the “Hog Ancestor,” and those disobeying this mandate shall be nailed upon the cross to die.

Issued by

Yang (goat) Taotai,
Taotai of Han, Wang, Tao District (Hankow).

II. Let the entire town assemble, but do not let in strangers and bad people, to deliberate and counsel upon the following: There is a foreign devil religion, which upholds the “Heavenly Hog” as being sacred. They profess to persuade people to love each other and to do what is good, but they secretly conceal within themselves a heart bent on injuring and ruining the people. They make it their business to bring young children from the people whom they place in the church to pursue religious studies. But in reality they got hold of these chileren so as to pick out their eyes and hearts, wherewith to concoct chemicals for making silver and gold. It is a pity the poor people can not at once be made to understand this. We have heard of theso revolting acts, and by secret investigation we have obtained positive information concerning them. If there be any kidnapping of children committed we shall now secretly punish the offenders without mercy. Whoever is found to believe the “devil religion” shall not be allowed to remain here, and any who should seek secretly to conceal them, or is unwilling to report the presence of such persons, is certainly a ——

III. We the people of this city and of the surrounding country do hereby with one heart and voice resolve that we will seek out the members of the “Heavenly Hog religion” and the “Jesus religion.” If any be found to say that the foreign religions are good let us bind him up, beat him, and push him into the deep water. Let us tear down and destroy the churches and exterminate those who “eat the religion.” In doing this we must pull the weed up by the roots so that we may escape incurring the calamities from above and suffering here below. Will it then not be peace for us? Let all be of one mind and strive with united efforts, even staking our lives to attain this, and be not in the least afraid. For were he a tiger we will eat his flesh and skin his hide.

IV. We the people of this locality should tear down, demolish, and set fire to the Catholic premises in Tao-yuen Hsien, and take that traitorous devil official up to this place—that detestable foreign religious devil. Let us unite together and forbid the establishment of the “Jesus Religion Church” and prohibit the “foreign devil” from entering our territory. The church members devote themselves especially to kidnapping young female children, who are sold to foreigners, and the latter pluck out their eyes for the purpose of making chemical preparations with which they produce gold and silver. We have discovered at Wanshousu that the kidnappers really send the children to the churches. Now, let us apprehend all strangers among us who do not worship our gods, for they are kidnappers, and when so apprehended let us punish them ourselves, and not send them to the authorities.