Mr. Mendonça to Mr.
Legation of Brazil,
Washington, May 9,
Sir: I have the honor to transmit to your
excellency the inclosed letter for his excellency, the President of the
United States of America, with the respective copy for your knowledge of
its contents, by which his excellency, Marshal Floriano Peixoto,
Vice-President of the United
[Page 18]
States of Brazil, requests his excellency, the President, to act as
arbitrator in the question of the boundary between the United States of
Brazil and the Argentine Republic, in accordance with the treaty of
September 7, 1889, concluded between the two republics.
I have also the honor to inclose an authentic copy in Portuguese and
Spanish, as well as an English translation of the said treaty* of September
7, 1889.
Accept, etc.,
President Peixoto to President Harrison.
Marshal Floriano Peixoto,
Vice-President of the United States of Brazil, to His Excellency
the President of the United States of America:
Great and Good Friend: Brazil concluded, in
1889, a treaty with the Argentine Republic, whereby it was agreed
that, if the period of time therein fixed should elapse without an
amicable settlement having been reached, the boundary question now
pending between the two countries should be submitted to the
decision of an arbitrator, who should be the President of the United
States of America. This selection was made from a deep conviction of
the sentiments of justice, as lofty as they are enlightened, which
distinguish and characterize the chief magistrate of an American
friendly nation, and with full confidence that he would not hesitate
to discharge the important duties of that office, when the proper
time should arrive. That time has now arrived, and I beg your
excellency to accept the said office, thereby rendering an important
service to both the Brazilian nation and its government.
I avail myself of this occasion to offer your excellency the
assurances of my highest consideration.
Rio Serzedello
de Janeiro,
April 15, 1892.