Mr. Blaine to Mr. Denby.

No. 701.]

Sir: I inclose for your information a copy of a letter from the beard of foreign missions of the Presbyterian Church in the United States and the resolution therewith, recognizing your services in aid of the missionaries at Chinanfu.

I am, etc.,

James G. Blaine.

Mr. Ellenwood to Mr. Blaine.

Sir: The board of foreign missions of the Presbyterian Church, United States of America, having received communications from its missionaries in north China concerning the good offices of Hon. Charles Denby, United States minister at Peking, in securing due protection of the interests of its missionaries in the Shantung province, and also favorable recognition of their benevolent work and the granting of such facilities as would enable them to prosecute that work, desires to make formal acknowledgment of his services through the Department of State, and to express its thanks through the proper channels for the same. The action taken by the board is herewith inclosed.


F. F. Ellenwood,
[Page 90]
[Inclosure.—Extract from minutes, February 1, 1892.]

On receipt of letters from Rev. Gilbert Reid, of the Shantung Mission, calling attention to the services rendered to the mission by United States Minister Denby in securing from the Chinese Imperial Government certain favorable concessions with reference to the purchase of property for missionary purposes at Chinanfu, the board desires to record its high appreciation of this official service, which opens the way for the erection of missionary residences, school and chapel buildings, and hospital. The property thus gained will become a center for the diffusion of a widespread educational influence and the untold blessings of medical and surgical relief to thousands of the needy and suffering, to say nothing of the higher spiritual influences to be exerted upon the people. It was resolved that the board transmit, through the Department of State at Washington, a copy of this action, together with a unanimous vote of thanks to Hon. Charles Denby, United States minister at the Imperial Court of Peking, for his kindly intervention in behalf of the mission. (Letter of Rev. G. Reid, December 7, 1891.)