[Inclosure in No. 327.]
Mr. Metheny to the
Turkey, April 23,
Dear Sir: Recently the fanatical and
reactionary element of Turkey came into power. Their spirit was soon
manifest by sending forth a “General Order, January 6, 1892,” ordering
the closing of churches, schools, colleges, and seminaries which have no
special permit from the Sultan.
The Hon. Oscar Strauss, our former minister to the Porte, by his adroit
and wise management, had secured a vizierial order attesting that the
establishments of American missionaries were on a legal basis.
Henceforth, by this order, schools conforming to article 129 of the
school code were not to be interfered with. On the strength, first, of
this order, and, second, the school law, and, third, the treaty of Hatti
Humayun guaranteeing religious liberty and many other specific rights,
our minister, the Hon. Solomon Hirsch, took a noble stand, remonstrating
against the application of the order of January 6, 1892, to the
establishments of United States citizens. He was soon joined by the
British, and then the French ministers. The Austrian, German, and
Italian embassies, too, have of their own accord expressed their hearty
approval of Mr. Hirsch’s wise course. He succeeded in having the order
countermanded. He now urges the abrogation of the new law entirely, and
is supported in this by his minister associates.
He urges the great principle that the establishments conforming to
article 129 of the old code may not be disturbed. He remonstrates
against restricting Moslem children from the benefits and advantages of
our schools, as these can not be obtained outside our establishments. A
large proportion of the North Syrian peoples are claimed as Mohammedans,
while it is well known they are not Mohammedans at all. Extensive
missionary work has been carried on among this people for over thirty
years, and they are desirous to attend our schools. Thousands of them
have gotten their education there.
The United States citizens are highly pleased with the Hon. Mr. Hirsch
and the noble stand he has taken. Our United States citizens are
convinced that he will succeed in maintaining their rights if he
continue to enjoy the hearty support of our home Government. This will
be “following the things that make for peace.” Momentous issues hang
upon the settlement of this question agreeably to the will of God.
David Metheny,
Mersine, Asia Minor,