Mr. Hirsch to Mr. Blaine.

No. 441.]

Sir: Referring to my No. 438 of April 30, in the case of the Stamford Manufacturing Company, I have the honor to report an interview with his excellency the minister of foreign affairs on Tuesday, May 3 (first business day since Bairam), in which I observed to his excellency that the refusal to grant a building permit to Mr. Walker, under the circumstances, would be regarded by the United States Government a virtual annulment of the rights guaranteed by the treaty on real property, and furthermore that I would not consent to Mr. Walker giving the required bond. The minister promised to communicate with His Highness the Grand Vizier on this subject, I called the same day on His Highness the Grand Vizier on this subject, which was not new to him, as I had spoken to him about it soon after the receipt of the telegram of March 6. He promised to send the necessary telegraphic orders to the vali of Aleppo to remove the obstacles in Mr. Walker’s way, and remarked that the difficulty arose from too much zeal on the part of the local officials. In consequence of this I telegraphed to the Stamford Manufacturing Company on May 4 as follows:

Continue building; give no bond; necessary orders from Government will be forwarded.

Hirsch, Minister.

This morning I received from the Stamford Company a telegram, of which the following is a copy:

American Legation, Constantinople:

Confirm letter 14th April; authorities sent soldiers yesterday, who trespassed our premises with intention imprisoning workmen; work stopped; urgently beg your help.


This being Friday no business can be transacted at the Porte. I therefore called at the private residence of his excellency Said Pacha, minister of foreign affairs, and, after showing him the telegram, recalled to his mind my observations of May 3, that the actions of the local authorities were tantamount to an abrogation of treaty rights and that the occurrence at Alexandretta where soldiers yesterday trespassed on American property and stopped building operations perfectly legal in themselves and justified as well as authorized, could be regarded in no other light, and that I would have to insist on immediate reparation by the issuance of orders, not to the governor-general of Aleppo, but direct to the governor of Alexandretta, requiring the latter to cause the building [Page 571] operations to be recommenced at once and to make suitable apology for the wrong committed by him. I furthermore frankly stated to his excellency that in case the Sublime Porte is unable to have the treaty rights of Americans respected by the provincial authorities, the United States would take prompt measures for the protection of its citizens. His excellency took pains to explain that this and similar cases arose from the unsettled state of the school question, and furthermore that if the discussion still progressing between the Sublime Porte and foreign powers on that question were once brought to a close, no further difficulties of this kind would be experienced. I stated, however, that I could not consent to any delay and insisted on immediate action independent of any other question, when his excellency promised to have the necessary orders issued tomorrow. I have telegraphed to Alexandretta as follows:

Your telegram has our best attention; hope for speedy satisfaction.


I have, etc.,

Solomon Hirsch.