Mr. Hirsch to Mr. Blaine.

No. 417.]

Sir: In consequence of the action taken by this legation against the order issued by the Sublime Porte on the subject of schools (see my No. 379, January 22), instructions have some time ago gone from the grand vizier to the governors-general of the provinces to stop its execution until further orders.

This for the present seems to assure the peaceful prosecution of the school work, and no actual interference with its progress has, of late, been brought to my knowledge; but while no further unfriendly acts may be attempted by the authorities in the near future, yet in the light of passing events I must regard this as but a temporary truce, subject to be disturbed at any time.

Our discussion with the Porte (see my No. 399, March 2) have not thus far resulted in anything definite.

The Department is informed of one of the propositions of the Turkish authorities “that no Mussulman children be admitted into the schools who have not a certificate that their religious education has been completed.”

For many reasons this could not be acceded to, but a counter proposition was made (satisfactory to the missionaries) that irrespective of religion, “no children under sixteen years of age shall be admitted to the American schools without their parents’ consent.”

This, together with the other conditions as reported in my No. 399, while not entirely satisfactory to the minister of foreign affairs, has been reported to the grand vizier, who will refer the matter to the council of ministers, from whence, if approved, it will have to go to the Sultan for his final action. Some of the European powers have commenced to show an interest in this question. The Department is already informed that the French ambassador is moving in the matter. In the British Parliament an inquiry on this subject, on the night of March 4, elicited the reply from Mr. Lowther, the Parliamentary under secretary of foreign affairs, “that instructions had gone to the Constantinople embassy to cooperate with the American minister.”

In a recent interview which Sir Clare Ford, the present British ambassador, requested, our school policy was fully explained to him and the assurance of his support given to me. I have since ascertained, however, that on some points our views do not exactly agree, particulars [Page 553] of which I will report in a few days. I am informed that the German embassy has notified the Porte that it supports our proposition.

The minister of foreign affairs tells me that he expects to invite the Austrian and Italian ambassadors to an early discussion of the question. As at present advised, I do not believe in an early solution of the question unless measures are taken to compel it. I am credibly informed that it is not contemplated to come to an agreement with any one power unless all join who are interested. An “identical” agreement by all seems unlikely, for while, for instance, the American legation has always conceded to the Turkish authorities the right of inspection, the French ambassador, as protector of the Catholic schools in the Empire, refuses to even discuss this point.

The holy month of Ramazzan, which has just commenced, will alone give the Turkish authorities the opportunity for the desired delay, as it is next to impossible to transact any business during that month.

I have, etc.,

Solomon Hirsch.