Mr. Hirsch to Mr.
Legation of
the United States,
Constantinople, January 27, 1892.
(Received February 12.)
No. 382.]
Sir: I have the honor to inclose herewith a copy in
translation of a note verbale from the Sublime Porte in answer to the note
verbale of this legation of January 9, on the subject of the “Conversion of
private houses into temples and schools by the American missionaries.”
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure in No.
Sublime Porte to Mr.
Porte, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Constantinople, January
20, 1892.
The ministry of foreign affairs has received the verbal note which the
United States legation has done it the honor to address it on January 9,
relative to religious and scholastic establishments in the Empire.
The foundation of these establishments is subject in Turkey, as
everywhere else, to certain formalities. The object of the Sublime Porte
is not to impede in any way the exercise of worship or instruction, but
simply to prevent any contravention of the established rules. The United
States legation, which is as careful of the observation of these rules
as of the interests of the missionaries will, the ministry is persuaded,
lend the Imperial ministry its valuable assistance in preventing any
such infractions.