Mr. Tavel to Mr. Adee.
Washington, September 2, 1892.
Mr. Secretary of State: In acknowledging to his excellency, Mr. John W. Foster, the reception of the note he was pleased to address to me under date of 9th August, ultimo, relative to the arrest at Bay Ridge, Md., of Dr. Alfred Georg, attaché of this legation, I had the honor to inform him that I had transmitted the contents thereof to my Government.
I have to-day the pleasure to announce to you that the Swiss Federal Council, after having taken cognizance of the aforesaid note and of the report of his excellency the governor of the State of Maryland, has charged me to state to you that it considered this incident as closed.
The Federal Council has observed with lively satisfaction the earnestness and good will displayed by the Government of the United States in this affair, and which has permitted its prompt termination to the satisfaction of the interested parties without in any way affecting the excellent relations so happily existing between Switzerland and the United States of America.
I hasten to avail myself, etc.,