Mr. Foster to Mr. Tavel.
Washington, August 1, 1892.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 28th ultimo, in relation to the arrest at Bay Ridge, and subsequent search by the police authorities of the State of Maryland, of Dr. Alfred Georg, attaché of your legation.
Immediately upon being thus informed of this regretable occurrence, I lost no time in communicating by telegraph with the governor of the State of Maryland, reciting the statements contained in your note, and requesting him to cause a prompt investigation of the affair to be made and the result to be made known to this Department. I stated to the governor my expectation that, if it should be found that any of the authorities of Maryland have disregarded the rights which are assured by the Constitution and laws of the United States to members of foreign legations, prompt measures would be taken to secure their punishment and vindicate the honor of our country.
While awaiting the response of the governor to this representation, [Page 524] I take advantage of the occasion to express to yon the sincere regrets here felt that any member of a friendly legation should have suffered indignity in contravention of our own municipal law and of the laws of nations and of international hospitality; and, while convinced that the occurrence will be found to have been unintentional and due to ignorance or misunderstanding on the part of the agents concerned therein, I have no doubt that the expression of regret on the part of the authorities of Maryland will be as full and sincere as their efforts to mark their disapprobation of the act and rebuke the offender.
Accept, sir, etc.,