Mr. Egan to Mr. Wharton.
Santiago, June 13, 1892. (Received July 21.)
Sir: To-day I have received official information of the formation of a new ministry composed as follows: Minister of Interior, Señor don Ramon Barros Luco; of Justice and Public Instruction, don Maximo del Campo; of the Treasury, don Enrique Mac-Iver; of War and Marine, General of Division don Luis Arteaga; of Industry and Public Works, don Yicente Dávila Larain, and of Foreign Relations, Public Worship and Colonization, don Isidoro Errázuriz.
The ministry is composed entirely of liberals, of the most moderate men of the different groups. I have very cordial personal relations with the ministers of interior, foreign relations, and industry, and I have every reason to believe that the present cabinet will do everything possible to cultivate friendly relations with the United States.
I have, etc.,