Baron Fava to Mr. Foster.
Lenox, Mass., August 6, 1892.
My Dear, Mr. Foster: As promised by me in our interview of the 1st instant, I have now the honor to inform you that, according to a cablegram just received from his excellency the minister of foreign office, His Majesty the King will arrive in Genoa the 7th or the 8th of September next. Please notify this information to the honorable Mr. Tracy.
You will exceedingly oblige me in forwarding me to Lenox, Mass., the communication expected by you from the Navy Department concerning the Columbian celebration at Genoa. I did not fail according to your authorization to cable to my Government, as soon as I left the State Department last Monday, August the 1st, that the Newark and the Bennington will be present at the said celebration.
If you have anything urgent to communicate to me on that purpose, please wire me at Lenox, Mass., Hotel Curtis.
Deeply grateful, etc.,