Mr. Durham to Mr. Blaine.
Legation of
the United States,
Port au Prince, Haiti, February 11, 1892. (Received February 26.)
No. 47.]Port au Prince, Haiti, February 11, 1892. (Received February 26.)
Sir: I beg leave to acknowledge the receipt of your dispatch, No. 29, Diplomatic series, in which you refer to my No. 36, January 7, and repeat the Department’s instructions concerning the question of asylum in Haiti.
The previous instructions of the Department were so clear to me at the time that I declined to entertain the applications. The two applicants to whom I refer in my dispatch were afterwards received at the French legation and granted asylum there.
No refugees have been received at either the legation or my residence during my incumbency here.
I am, etc.,
John S. Durham.