Mr. Herbert to Mr. Foster.

Sir: At the conference which was held in Washington in the month of February last between the Canadian delegates and Mr. Blaine and yourself, it was agreed, as you are aware, that the question of reciprocity in wrecking and towing in the waters conterminous to Canada and the United States should be dealt with by legislation on the part of the [Page 290] Dominion and by instructions from the Treasury Department of the United States to give the act of Congress on this subject such a liberal construction as to include permission for all towing necessary and incidental to wrecking and salvage and the relaxation of customs laws necessary to make the reciprocal arrangement effective.

In accordance with this agreement, an act has been passed by the Parliament of Canada during its present session, and I have now the honor to inclose a certified copy of it for the information of your Government.

I have, etc.,

Michael H. Herbert.

By his excellency the right honorable Sir Frederick Arthur Stanley, Baron Stanley of Preston, in the county of Lancaster in the peerage of the United Kingdom, Knight Grand Cross of the most honorable Order of the Bath, Governor-General of Canada.

To all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting:

These are to certify that Edouard Joseph Langevin, esquire, whose name is subscribed to the annexed document, is the clerk of the parliaments of the Dominion of Canada, and that full faith and credence are due, and ought to be given, to such signature and act in all places.

Given under my hand and office seal at Ottawa, this eighteenth day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand, eight hundred and ninety-two, and of Her Majesty’s reign, the fifty-fifth.

By command.

  • Stanley of Preston.
  • L. A. Catéllier,
    Under Secretary of State.

I, Edouard Joseph Langévin, clerk of the Parliaments, custodian of the original acts of the legislatures of the late Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, of the late Province of Canada, and of the Parliament of Canada, certify the subjoined to be a true copy of the original act passed by the Parliament of Canada in the session thereof, held in the fifty-fifth year of Her Majesty’s reign, and assented to in Her Majesty’s name by the deputy of the Governor-General, on the tenth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two, remaining of record in my office.

Edouard J. Langévin,
Clerk of the Parliaments.

AN ACT respecting aid by United States wreckers in Canadian waters. Assented to Tuesday, 10th May, 1892.

Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:

United States vessels and wrecking appliances may salve any property wrecked, and may render aid and assistance to any vessels wrecked, disabled, or in distress, in the waters of Canada contiguous to the United States.
Aid and assistance include all necessary towing incident thereto.
Nothing in the customs or coasting laws of Canada shall restrict the salving operations of such vessels or wrecking appliances.
This act shall come into force from and after a date to be named in a proclamation by the Governor-General, which proclamation may be issued when the Governor in council is advised that the privilege of salving any property wrecked and of aiding any vessels wrecked, disabled, or in distress, in United States waters contiguous [Page 291] to Canada, will be extended to Canadian vessels and wrecking appliances to the extent to which such privilege is granted by this act to United States vessels and wrecking appliances.
This act shall cease to be in force from and after a date to be named in a proclamation to be issued by the Governor-General to the effect that the said reciprocal privilege has been withdrawn, revoked or rendered inoperative with respect to Canadian vessels or wrecking appliances in United States water contiguous to Canada.