Mr. Carranza to Mr. Blaine.


Mr. Secretary of State:

I have the honor herewith to transmit to you, together with the usual copy, the Cabinet letter which the President of the Argentine Republic addresses to the President of the United States, requesting him to accept the office of arbitrator in the boundary question between the Argentine Republic and the United States of Brazil.

Begging you, Mr. Secretary of State, to transmit the aforesaid document to its high destination, I avail myself, etc.

Roque Casae Carranza.
[Inclosure 1.—Translation.]

The President of the Argentine Republic to the President of the United States.

Carlos Pellegrini, Constitutional President of the Argentine Republic, to His Excellency the President of the United States:

Great and Good Friend: By Article ii of the treaty signed in this city on the 7th day of September, 1889, an authenticated copy of which I have the honor herewith to inclose, it is provided that, if the time mentioned in Article i shall come to an end without an amicable settlement having been reached, the boundary question pending between the Argentine Republic and Brazil shall be submitted to the President of the United States for arbitration.

The High Contracting Parties, in selecting your excellency as arbitrator, have con-considered not only the friendly relations which bind them to the United States of America, but also the lively interest taken by your excellency in everything connected with the civilization of the American nations. I therefore beg your excellency to accept the office of arbitrator, which is conferred upon you by that international instrument, to the end that your just and impartial decision may settle this matter (which has been in dispute for more than a century) in a manner satisfactory and honorable to both countries.

With the most sincere wishes for the prosperity of the United States of America, I have the honor to offer your excellency the assurances of my highest consideration and regard.

  • C. Pellegrini.
  • Estanislao Zeballos.

[Page 2]
[Inclosure 2.—Translation.]

Treaty of arbitration between the Argentine Republic and the Empire of Brazil.

Miguel Suarez Celman, Constitutional President of the Argentine Republic, to all unto whom these presents shall come, greeting:

Whereas a treaty of arbitration between the Argentine Republic and the Empire of Brazil was negotiated, concluded, and signed in the city of Buenos Ayres, on the 7th day of September of the cnrrent year, by the plenipotentiaries duly authorized for this purpose, the said treaty being as follows:

His excellency the President of the Argentine Republic and His Majesty the Emperor of Brazil, desiring to settle as speedily as possible the boundary question now pending between the two States, have agreed, without prejudice to the treaty of September 28, 1885, to fix a time for the conclusion of the discussion of the law governing the case, and, in case of their inability to reach an understanding, to submit the said question to the arbitration of a friendly Government, and, a treaty being necessary for that purpose, have appointed their plenipotentiaries, to wit:

  • His excellency the President of the Argentine Republic, Dr. Norberto Quirno Costa, his minister secretary of the interior, and acting minister secretary of foreign relations;
  • His Majesty the Emperor of Brazil, Baron de Alencar, of his council, and his envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary in the Argentine Republic;

Who, having exchanged their full powers, which were found to be in good and due form, have agreed upon the following articles:

Article I.

The discussion of the right which each of the High Contracting Parties thinks that it has to the territory in dispute between them, shall be closed within ninety days, reckoned from the termination of the survey of the laud in which are the sources of the rivers Chapecó or Pequirí-Guasú and Yangada or San Antonio-Guasú.

That survey shall be considered as finished on the day on which the Commissions appointed by virtue of the treaty of September 28, 1885, shall present to their governments the reports and plans referred to in Article iv of that treaty.

Article II.

If the time fixed in the foregoing article shall expire without an amicable settlement having been reached, the question shall be submitted to the President of the United States of America for arbitration, whom, within the next sixty days, the High Contracting Parties shall address, requesting him to accept that office.

Article III.

If the President of the United States of America shall decline, the High Contracting Parties shall select another arbitrator, in Europe or in America, within sixty days from the receipt of the declination, and in case of any other (declination) they shall proceed in like manner.

Article IV.

The appointment having been accepted, each of the High Contracting Parties shall, within twelve months, reckoned from the day on which the notification of acceptance shall have been received, lay its statement before the arbitrator, together with such documents and titles as shall be proper for the defense of its right. This statement having been presented, no addition shall be made to it, except in compliance with the requirement of the arbitrator, who shall have power to order the necessary elucidations to be laid before him.

Article V.

The frontier is to be formed by the rivers which the Argentine Republic or Brazil has designated, and the arbitrator shall be requested to decide in favor of one of the parties, as shall seem to him just in view of the reasons and documents which they shall have produced.

[Page 3]

Article VI.

The decision shall be pronounced within twelve months, reckoned from the day on which the statements shall have been presented, or from the later date, if the presentation shall not have been made by both parties at the same time.

It shall be final and binding, and no reason shall be alleged for the purpose of impeding its execution.

Article VII.

This treaty shall be ratified, and the ratifications shall be exchanged in the city of Rio de Janeiro with as little delay as possible.

In testimony whereof the plenipotentiaries of the Argentine Republic and of the Empire of Brazil sign this treaty, and thereunto affix their seals, in the city of Buenos Ayres, on the 7th day of the month of September, 1889.

N. Quirno Costa.

[Here follows the same treaty in the Portuguese language, signed by Baron de Alencar.]

Now, therefore, the foregoing treaty having been examined, and having been approved by the honorable National Congress on the 22d day of the present month of October, I accept, confirm, and ratify it, pledging myself, in the name of the nation, faithfully to execute it and cause it to be executed.

In testimony whereof I sign with my own hand the present instrument of ratification, sealed with the great seal of the arms of the Republic, and countersigned by the minister secretary of state in the department of foreign relations.

  • M. Juarez Celman,
  • Estanislao S. Zeballos.

A true copy.

Estanislao Zeballos.

The undersigned, having met for the purpose of exchanging the ratifications of his excellency, the President of the Argentine Republic, and of His Majesty, the Emperor of Brazil, for the treaty concluded on the 7th day of September last, providing for the speedy settlement of the boundary question between the two countries, and having examined the said ratifications, which were found to be correct, have made the exchange.

In testimony whereof they sign this instrument in two copies, one being in the Spanish and the other in the Portuguese language, and thereunto affix their seals.

[l. s.]
Enrique B. Moreno.

[l. s.]
Jose Francisco Diana.

A true copy.

Estanislao Zeballos.