Mr. Adams to Mr. Blaine.

No. 23.]

Sir: I have the honor to continue my report on the progress of events relating to the change of Government.

On November 25 I cabled the Department a list of the Governments which had recognized the Provisional Government to that date. Later [Page 67] Switzerland, France, and the Pope recognized also. On the 9th the European powers unofficially resumed diplomatic relations, excepting Austria, who gave in her adherence to-day.

On November 25, seeing a statement that the Government proposed abolishing the requirement of passports for foreigners, I addressed a letter to the secretary of exterior relations, a copy of which is inclosed.

On November 26 a reply was received to my letter of the 20th, transmitting the instructions of the Department by cable to maintain diplomatic relations. A translation of reply is inclosed. In pursuance thereof I had the honor to call at the hour appointed on the secretary of exterior relations. A most agreeable and cordial interview ensued, in which he expressed the profound appreciation of the friendly attitude of the United States towards the effort to establish a republican form of government in Brazil.

On December 1, I received Department’s cable of November 30. As soon as opportunity offers, the instructions thereof will be cheerfully carried out. I inclose a translation of decree No. 7, which will give some idea of the measures adopted. In a recent decree, a commission of four was established to draught a constitution. No word of an election is heard for delegates to an assembly.

On Wednesday, November 28, the United States frigate Richmond arrived in port. I had been requested by the English minister and by some excited American citizens to request the presence of a war ship. But as there was no necessity and the fever had already shown itself in Bio I saw no reason to do so. The Richmond sailed for Bahia on the 5th instant.

I am, etc.

Robert Adams, Jr.
[Inclosure 1 in No. 23.]

Mr. Adams to Mr. Bocayuva.

Sir: I see it stated that the Provisional Government contemplates dispensing with, the requirement that foreigners must procure passports before leaving Brazil. Allow me to express the hope to your excellency that the Government may accomplish this i proposed measure of relief I know of nothing that would tend to facilitate more the trade of the ports of Brazil than this free entrance and exit of the merchants of other countries, many of whom now are often harassed by the delay caused in procuring passports and the necessary vise”; sometimes to the extent of missing their; steamers.

The extension of this liberty to foreigners would be in harmony with the spirit of freedom that has so recently overspread your beautiful country.

With expressions, etc.,

Robert Adams, Jr.
[Inclosure 2 in No. 23.—Translation.]


The Provisional Government of the Republic of the United States of Brazil decrees:

  • Article I. All provisional assemblies, created by law of 12th October, 1832, and 12th August, 1834, are hereby dissolved.
  • Art. II. Until the adoption of a definite constitution by the United States of Brazil, the following attributions shall belong to the governors of states:
    • Section 1. To establish the civil, judicial, and ecclesiastical divisions of their respective states and order the removal of the capital to the most convenient place.
    • Sec. 2. To provide for the public instruction houses of public instruction, and in general promote instruction in all its grades.
    • Sec. 3. To determine the cases and regulate the form of disappropriation of private property condemned for the use of the state, in the states wherein the subject may not be already regulated by law.
    • Sec. 4. To fix the public expense of the state and lay and collect the taxes that may be necessary, which must not, however, prejudice in anyway the general imposts of the United States “of Brazil.
    • Sec. 5. To fiscalize the employment of the public revenues of the state and the accounts of the same.
    • Sec. 6. To create public offices, appoint officials and establish their salaries.
    • Sec. 7. To decree public works and provide roads and navigation in the interior of the state, the construction of prisons, labor, discipline, and regulation of the same, houses of public aid as well as any political or religious societies.
    • Sec. 8. To create the police force that may [be] absolutely necessary, and provide for their enlistment, organization, and discipline, in accordance with the Federal Government.
    • Sec. 9. To nominate, suspend, and dismiss public employés of the respective states, excepting only life magistrates, who may be suspended in order to be duly tried and punished, having recourse to the General Government.
    • Sec. 10. To contract loans and regulate the payment of interest and their amortization dependent upon the approval of the General Government.
    • Sec. 11. To regulate the administration of state property and authorize the sale of such as is to be sold.
    • Sec. 12. To promote the organization of the statistics of the state, instruction and civilization of the Indians, and to establish colonies.
    • Sec. 13. To make representations to the Federal Government against the laws, resolutions, and acts of the other states that may be injurious to their respective states.
  • Art. III. The Provisional Federal Government reserves to itself the right to restrict, amplify, and suppress any of the attributions that may be conferred on the provisional governors of states, or to change them, as may be most convenient, in the actual period of national reconstruction for the public good and for the peace and right of the people.

  • Marechal Manoel Deodoro da Fonseca,
    Chief of the Provisional Government.
  • Aristides da Silveira Lobo.
[Inclosure 3 in No. 23.—Translation.]

Mr. Bocayuva to Mr. Adams.

I received in due time the note that Mr. Robert Adams, jr., envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the United States of America was pleased to address me on the 20th current month, informing me that his Government had ordered him by telegraph to maintain diplomatic relations with the Provisional Government of the United States of Brazil. This Government received so important a communication with the greatest pleasure, and believes with your excellency that the circumstance of this country having adopted the republican form of government will certainly contribute to the strengthening, if possible, of the already cordial relations existing between this country and the United States of America.

I beg your excellency to excuse the delay of this reply which I could not give without telling you when the chief of the Provisional Government would have the satisfaction of receiving your excellency.

Unfortunately, the state of his health will not permit this for the present.

I shall be happy to inform you when this may be possible.

As to myself, Mr. Adams will find me at his orders in this secretary’s office of state, on Thursday, the 28th of the current month, at 1 o’clock p.m.

With pleasure I take advantage, etc.

Q. Bocayuva.