Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, Transmitted to Congress, With the Annual Message of the President, December 3, 1889

Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, Transmitted to Congress, With the Annual Message of the President, December 3, 1889
United States Government Printing Office
- Message
- Foreign relations
- List of papers with synopses of their contents
- Argentine Republic
Correspondence (Documents 1–9) - Austria-Hungary (Documents 10–25)
- Correspondence with the Legation of Austria-Hungary at Washington (Documents 20–25)
- Correspondence with the Legation of Austria-Hungary at Washington (Documents 20–25)
- Belgium (Documents 26–32)
- Brazil (Documents 33–48)
- Correspondence with the Legation of Brazil at Washington (Documents 45–48)
- Correspondence with the Legation of Brazil at Washington (Documents 45–48)
- China (Documents 49–111)
- Correspondence with the Legation of China at Washington. (Documents 79–111)
- Correspondence with the Legation of China at Washington. (Documents 79–111)
- Denmark (Documents 112–118)
- France (Documents 119–126)
- Germany (Documents 127–128)
- Samoan Affairs (Documents 129–151)
- Great Britain (Documents 152–182)
- Correspondence with the Legation of Great Britain at Washington (Documents 171–182)
- Correspondence with the Legation of Great Britain at Washington (Documents 171–182)
- Greece (Documents 183–185)
- Hawaii (Document 186)
- Hayti (Documents 187–220)
- Correspondence with the Legation of Hayti at Washington (Documents 200–220)
- Correspondence with the Legation of Hayti at Washington (Documents 200–220)
- Japan (Documents 221–241)
- Correspondence with the Legation of Japan at Washington (Documents 231–241)
- Correspondence with the Legation of Japan at Washington (Documents 231–241)
- Mexico (Documents 242–278)
- Correspondence with the Legation of Mexico at Washington (Documents 265–278)
- Correspondence with the Legation of Mexico at Washington (Documents 265–278)
- The Netherlands (Documents 279–280)
- Persia (Documents 281–285)
- Portugal (Documents 286–295)
- Siam (Documents 296–297)
- Spain (Documents 298–305)
- Switzerland (Documents 306–325)
- Correspondence with the legation of Switzerland at Washington (Documents 316–325)
- Correspondence with the legation of Switzerland at Washington (Documents 316–325)
- Turkey (Documents 326–350)
- Alphabetical Index