Mr. Bayard to Mr. Straus.

No. 183.]

Sir: Your dispatch, No. 156, of the 10th inst., in further reference to the mode of permitting the practice of medicine in Turkey under a foreign diploma, which formed the subject of my instruction No. 131, of the 12th September last, has been received.

Your present report shows that the necessity of a full examination in medicine, according to the Turkish requirements, depends, in the case of a person holding a foreign medical diploma, on the fact whether the institution granting such diploma is maintained by and under the guaranty of the State, or is a private concern.

The medical institutions in the several States of the United States are chartered under State laws, and regulated thereby. While it would be perfectly practicable, in case inquiry were made of us by the Government of the Porte, to obtain from the executive of any sovereign State a certificate of the status of any designated chartered institution of learning within such State, which would probably satisfy the reported Turkish requirement, there is no general official knowledge on the part of this Department, or on your part, that would enable you to certify under the seal of your legation to the status of American medical colleges, of which the diplomas might be presented to you.

You are correct, therefore, in assuming, as you do by the light of my instruction, No. 131, of 12th September, 1888, that the Department has no further instructions to give you in the matter at present.

A copy of your No. 156 will be sent to the Secretary of the Interior for the information of the Commissioner of Education.

I am, etc.,

T. F. Bayard.